
Jan 21, 2011 20:24

The foot is loose!! Yes, today they removed my cast. Yay!! And let me tell you... it's gross. Super gross! The leg was completely white with dead skin and my heel and foot look like it is covered in leather. Yuck! So guess who is going to be very good friends with the lotion bottle for the forseeable future?

It doesn't hurt although there is some discomfort. It doesn't quite have the range of motion it used to have so I have to go slow and just do the best I can! I start PT on Tuesday so I know that will help.

And this weekend I will actually be doing some costuming! I know... crazy, right? :D Currently I am washing linen which will become some body linens. I want to have at least two smocks for me and two shirts for David by the end of the weekend. I think that's doable. I'll do the unseen long seams on the machine and then handsew the hem and neckline. If I don't get all of the handsewing done by the end of the weekend, it will give me some hand work to do while watching tv this week.

15th century, health, linen

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