I work at this coffee shop off the intersection of rt. 28 and rt 29 called "Jamie's General Bean". It's basically a little family run coffee shop for 'regulars' to hang out and get a drink.
With all the mid term exams and stuff going on, I've been kind of stressed. And by kind of, I mean I'm on the verge of stabbing my own eyes out with toothpicks.
I'm not going to lie, I love working there. It's a nice place to get away from everything, and get paid for it. Not only am I a disgusting addict to caffine, but my co workers are chill, my boss is super chill, and best of all, the customers love to sit and talk about politics.
Usually working on week nights, the only people who come in to hang out are those who are termed as "regulars". It's slow, so with two people working, we can occasionally take breaks to converse with the customers. They always sit in the same place and talk about the news.
Coffee. Politics. News. Chill. Money?
Did I die and go to heaven?
Anyways, this isn't the point of my posting.
The story I was trying to get to is one that took place last night.
While talking, one of the guys brought up a valid point concerning Bush.
Remember when Bush gave the Saudi Arabian leader a kiss and held his hand and the media blew up in critisism?
The general public thought nothing of it. He was just being 'diplomatic'... right?
Hm, thats weird, though, because when has the term "Bush" and "adequet diplomacy skills" ever gone in the same sentence together?
Over the summer, he outwardly laughed at Vladimir Putin (Russia) for not having a 'liberal enough press'. In national summits, he's abrupt rude, and highly nationalistic. He told Tony Blair (United Kingdom) his "global warming" theory was a sham, right to his face.
He's, well, the Common Man.
So, why, if he is so anti-dipolmacy, would he do something so 'far fetched' in American society as to kissing and holding hands with another male?
Don't get me wrong, I'm pro civil union to the fullest extent. And I know our leader isn't gay, either. I just find it weird that he, on public Arab television, made that initial gesture.
Maybe he's sniffing around for something? I'm not too sure. But it's very unlike him. And I think that's why the media blew it up so much.
Again, this is something the coffee shop customer came up with. Not me. I just took it into consideration.
I'm not one for conspiracies, and personally, I like Bush. It's just food for thought. Something to ponder over.
Keep that in mind as I jet out to Geosystems. The bell is going to ring in a couple minutes.
Ugh Geosystems...
Where are my toothpicks?
No children were harmed during the writing of this entry. However, they were extremely exploited. Sorry to those who were offended. Just tell their parents to not post them on google, and the problem won't occur again.