Ariel Sharon Rings the Warning Bell

Jan 12, 2006 22:30

Out of all the new stories, I picked this one to report on.

Because mathmatically,

Jews + Israel - Comprehensive Prime Minister > Everything.

To catch some of you up who are completely lost, I'm referring to the massive stroke Mr. Ariel Sharon had on January 4th, putting him into a coma.

Recently, he just woke up, but has severe brain damage and isn't as... lets say... quick minded as he was before. At a whopping age of 77 years and a bit overweight (hey, c'mon, bagels have a lot of carbs...), the poor guy's days in office are sadly over for a while.

Or maybe forever?

Will the next guy be able to hold the tiny nation together? I'm kind of hoping so since like, apparently, the holocaust sucked, and I don't want it happening again any time soon. You know, since I'm Jewish and all.

Maybe my dad's insane conspiracies of MySpace being a tool of the government to seek out all the Jews for the next "ethnic cleansing" will proove true?

hahaha, totally the next Hitler.

HA hope not. My padre is a crazy cook.

But I guess I don't really want to risk it, though.

Wake up, Mr. Sharon....


I'll give you one whole American dollar....


Haha Jews hoarding money, don't see that everyday...

Anyways, I usually don't try and post too religious stuff in here because it's supposed to be a news commentary site, but this just feels so appropiate. And slightly emo. But whatever.

When the pope died, everyone got to go nuts and say they were sad. And like when Ghandi died, all the Hindus got to show their pride. Well, this is sort of like that for me. Kind of. Let me have my moment. Jerks.

To Ariel Sharon and all that he's done.

"Avenu malkenu  yesrael adon hashlom, adon ha shalom bar choo nu va shalom. Shane yahe razon."

Bless my family of Israel with peace, health, and joy. Get well soon."

Livestrong, Sharon. <3

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