The Rear Guard

Nov 16, 2017 14:34

for the Make Your Own Fandom challenge at womenverse (originally posted HERE)

The Rear Guard
inspired by World of Warcraft (and using clothing, colors, and accessories to differentiate the races, as opposed to CGI), this series is about a group of unlikely heroes - fighting for different sides - who have to work together to fight a new evil. Can they work through their differences and fight as a team for the one thing they all have in common: Saving the world they live in?

Aderina (Elisabeth Harnois) is an elf from the royal city. Most of the members of the unit see her as an entitled rich girl, though she isn't. She grew up in an orphanage in the city, and when Aderina showed an affinity to magic, she was pulled out and sent to the academy. Unfortunately, she's not very focused, and it shows in her lack of ability. She doesn't want to be there, and no one really wants her there, but as every able hand was called to fight, she went where she was told

Eldorbecca (Teryl Rothery) is a human hunter, hardened by years of fighting and the loss of her husband annuals back. She has no patience for the new soldiers coming in, simply because they lack experience and a sense of history. Eldorbecca has been sent to the camp because of her knowledge of the terrain and tracking, as well as knowing which plants are safe for consumption.

Ahumau (Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson) is also a hunter, though he's from a different part of the world. He's strong and mysterious, and has an over-bearing father who will never be pleased by any of his accomplishments. He is not responsible for the death of Eldorbecca's husband, but his people were, and that brings a great deal of tension to the group. His loyal companion in a blue, ostrich-like creature named Fred, about the size of an average dog. Ahumau is also extremely skilled in sewing.

Zooni (Hugh Dillon) is an experienced magic user, a little taller than your average gnome. All right, he's a LOT taller. As an outcast, he has managed to focus his mind on his craft and not what others might think of his appearance. Zooni comes off as icy, but he's really a big teddy bear - not that he would know what a teddy bear is - and takes young Aderina under his wing, teaching her how to focus her magic.

Commander Dekks (Tom Berenger) leads the Rear Guard. Everyone knows that he's been assigned the squad as punishment, but his opinion is that putting enough people together, who don't want to be, means there's a good chance they'll end up surprising everyone. Or they'll get killed. Granted, they are running low on supplies and ammunition, not to mention half the soldiers never even had the chance to finish their training. He's not really fond of all the women in the squad, either, because they're "emotional and weak. It's nothing personal, they just aren't as strong as the men are."

Ahumau's father (Ron Glass) only appears in flashbacks, but it's clear from the start that he isn't impressed by Ahumau's achievements. Unfortunately, it's not clear why the man is so harsh toward his only son. A Tauren Elder, he has always pushed Ahumau to be his best, strongest, and toughest. As the adventure brings our heroes closer to Ahumau's home, father and son will be reunited. But, will the accomplishments of his son be enough to break through the wall?

Dehnara (Sanaa Lathan) is Commander Dekks' second-in-command. Her entire life has been structured around getting the position she has, as well as maintaining it. There is no black and white with her, and her unwillingness to let things slide hasn't made her many friends. In the course of the battles to come, her temper will be tested, and she just might see that there is always room for a little gray area.

Canada can be considered a member of the cast just as much as the people. Due to the nature of the landscape, Canada - more specifically British Columbia - offers the most 'magical' scenery, bringing the various lands of this mysterious world to life.

♣ In a recurring storyline, set within the confines of the royal city, guest star Andrew Francis is Kehnder, a fellow student of Aderina's, a son of wealth. He excels at his magic and is on the fast track to becoming a powerful mage, which keeps him from being called to battle. As the fight comes closer to home, however, Kehnder may learn that wealth can't buy everything.

♣ Kavan Smith is the squad's everyman. From training soldiers in combat to wrangling the horses, handing out supplies to messages from home, he knows everyone and everyone knows him. It's also common knowledge not to gamble with him, because he always wins.

♣ As an elemental sorceress, guest star Sara Barellies greets our heroes along the more dangerous part of their journey. She offers refuge to the squad, in return for news from the outside world. Banished for her practices, the witch has accepted her surroundings and makes the best of her time, imprisoned in a dark palace, in an even darker forest. And, like Zooni and the Tauren elder, she can see the spark in Aderina.

♣ In an Ahumau-centric episode, guest star Whoopi Goldberg is a Tauren high official, well-respected by all the races. She takes an interest in Ahumau's dedication to a people who have shunned him for leaving the tribe; and is intrigued by the relationships he is building with his teammates. She also tends to disagree with Leonihtes, on most matters.

♣ John deLancie's Magister Leonihtes is the most powerful mage in the royal city, leading the students of the academy in the ways of magic. He is very set in his ways, and refuses to admit that the old ways may no longer be the best. He also has little faith in Aderina proving herself, but the Royal Council decided to approve the recommendation of the Tauren elder, and let the girl in.

Fred is Ahumau's blue pet bird. He's loyal to Ahumau, but takes a quick liking to Aderina, simply because she spoils him with fresh berries. Fred also likes to steal fruit from Commander Dekks' tent. A mix of robotics and puppetry, Fred is one of the more expensive production costs.

Dekks' flask, usually filled with berry juice - he gave up drinking when his wife and son died.

Dehnara has a small iron box with mysterious contents. No one knows what it holds but her.

Dovah is Eldorbecca's horse. He doesn't always travel with her, but he's always nearby when she needs him.

The bridge outside the royal city. Aderina doesn't want to return as the group nears her former home, because she fears that she'll be told to stay

♦ Aderina's cloak is an important prop for the story simply because it is the only thing that was ever truly hers. Ahumau has taken it upon himself to make repairs to the cloak, without telling her.
♦ Ahumau's sash is the mark of his race. He tries to honor his ancestors, though he's convinced that his ancestors have given up on him, as his father has.
♦ Eldorbecca has a small dagger that she is quite skilled with. It belonged to her husband, and when she comes face to face with the man responsible for taking his life, it may just take another.
♦ Dragonflies are a recurring theme throughout the series, based on the symbolic representation of dragonflies as lost loved ones, offering protection and strength.
♦ Because the comm names make themselves... the OTP factions of The Rear Guard fandom: dorby_mau (Eldorbecca/Ahumau) | eldorina (Eldorbecca/Aderina) | dekks_dehnara (Dekks/Dehnara) | adornihtes (Aderina/Leonihtes)

And the ever popular shipwar:

A: Thank you, episode! Another mark for canon! WOOT Let's hear it for DorbyMau
B: Please! Being in the same shot is not romance. #ELDORINA
C: Uniformed romance is hot... Dekks and Dehn need to get freaky.
B: They don't even like each other.
D: Canon is canon and there are no relationships in canon.
C: Killjoy much? Still say Aderina and her Prof got it on. THAT is hot.
A: Okay, that's just wrong.
C: Profstu love is hottt!11!!
D: It's also illegal.
C: Gonna report you for harassment! >.<
B: What harassment? It IS illegal.
A: It's also ridiculous. Aderina has more chemistry with Kehnder!
C: Oooh, Kehnder is sooooo hot!
D: Fandom would be so great without all this ship CRAP
B: I wish one of them was canon right now, just to spite you.
C: Het pairings are soooooo tacky!
A: Says the one who thinks the Captain should boink is 2IC

from the fear of being cancelled:

Dear Network-Not-on-My-Good-Side-Right-Now:

I AM a Rear Guard. The rumors swirling about the show not being picked up after the hiatus are simply insane. To drop the bomb in the final seconds of the fall finale, that Kehnder is Leonihtes' son and then imply that we're not going to get more? Are you TRYING to kill me? What else can you possibly do to me???! I need Ahumau and Eldorbecca to realize just how epic they are for each other! I need Aderina to master those powers and show everyone! I need to know what's in Dehnara's box! And, most importantly:


Please, let them fight the coming battle.

from the pilot...

Ahumau sat down in front of the campfire, giving a slight whistle to the blue bird, ever-present at his side. The creature pecked at the ground for a moment, then plopped down into a seated position, ready for his own dinner. The two women sitting across from Ahumau watched for a moment as the large man carefully fed some of his meal to the bird.

Eldorbecca shifted her weight and poked at the cooked meat, while Aderina - not at all interested in the evening's offerings - simply pulled the cloak tighter over her shoulders. "You should eat something," Ahumau said, still watching the bird.

Aderina glanced up, then looked at Eldorbecca before asking: "Who? Me?"

Ahumau looked up at her and nodded. "Yes, you. She's eating," he continued, pointing to the older woman. "So why would I be talking to her?"

Aderina made a face and glanced at her lap. "Maybe you were talking to the bird," she muttered.

"Fred doesn't need to be told to eat," Ahumau replied, offering the creature another bite.

Eldorbeca and Aderina looked at each other. 'Fred?' Eldorbecca mouthed.

"What kind of name is Fred," Aderina asked, a slight scowl crossing her features. She leaned back a moment later, seeing the glare Ahumau was giving her.

"It's the name I picked," he said sternly, staring her down with a menacing glare.

A few extra notes...
+ oh, the plot twist I thought of, yesterday at work...
+ my apologies to any hardcore fans of World of Warcraft. ♥
+ dork-moment: Zooni was my first WoW character. Aderina was my second. Ahumau is my favorite; Fred is actually his pet. Eldorbecca is still new. I created Dehnara night before last. And I created Kehnder last night. It's a sickness! o.O

.series info, -womenverse, the rear guard

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