Original: Cracking Point

Jun 27, 2014 21:31

Title: Cracking Point [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Dree, Garrett, two Central City socialites, and a few waiters
Rating: PG
Summary: There are only so many times a blind eye - and ear - can be turned...
Warning: Some time after Spa Day *Written for Weekly Quick Fic #4 at writerverse. Prompt: Eggcup and Venting/Ranting, with inspirations from these egg cups, and this dessert
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

Dree focused on her reflection in the mirror, making sure that the little bit of makeup she was wearing hadn't transferred anywhere it shouldn't be, and tried to ignore the two women on the other side of the women's lounge. To anyone else, they could be discussing anything at all, but Dree knew they were talking about her.

It would have been less obvious if they had waited until she left the room, regardless of the furtive glances they kept giving her. Dree was well-trained in observation, and even when their voices lowered, they were still facing her.

And a bonus of being deaf in the past meant she was also well-trained in lip reading.

Standing straight, Dree pushed a loose strand of hair off her face and decided enough was enough. Picking up her small handbag, she turned toward the door and wondered how much longer the two women could stay silent.

Just as she had pushed the door open, Dree heard one of the women ask: "Do you think she heard us?" Rolling her eyes, Dree considered - for the briefest moment - ignoring them and returning to the table. But, the stubbornness of Adora Cain won out and she turned to face them.

"Yes," she answered plainly. "I did hear you." She let go of the door and raised an eyebrow. "Because you were making every effort to make sure I did." Shaking her head, Dree waved a hand in the air and asked: "Why do people always seem shocked when the person they're talking about, five feet away, hears them?"

Actually, it was closer to seven feet, but that wasn't the point.

Setting her bag on the counter, Dree let out a deep sigh and shook her head. "All right, let's get this over with." Giving the women a look, Dree began recapping their earlier conversation. "If Garrett and I were sneaking around on Rebecca," she started, "we wouldn't be stupid enough to do it in public.. Let alone in one of the fanciest restaurants in Central City, at dinner time!"

When one of the two women started to object, Dree raised her hand and glared. "Oh, no. You both have done plenty of talking for one night. It's my turn." Shaking her head, Dree moved on to the next item on their list. "There is no sneaking. El and Rebecca know exactly where we are. And what we are doing. Rebecca made the reservation. She helped me pick out this dress!" Dree told them, motioning to her attire. "And she and El both helped with my hair!"

She was getting angry, but it wasn't the same kind of anger that usually had people running for cover. This was just plain old annoyance. "I am not 'the damn nanny'," she hissed, pointing at them again. "I am the mother." At their looks, she nodded. "Yeah, that's right. Mother. Those five kids are my children, just the same as they are El and Rebecca's. I may not have given birth to all of them, but they are still my kids."

The women were now very uncomfortable, holding on to each other as if their lives depended on it. No one in Central City had ever known Dree to speak louder than a whisper to anyone not in the Cain family, so this sudden outburst had them at a complete loss for words.

Dree stepped closer and gave them both another menacing point. "And another thing, ladies! We are family. Nothing," she pointed side-to-side, shaking her head to accentuate the negative, "happens in our family that Rebecca doesn't know about. Nothing! And if Rebecca does not approve of something, it does not happen. You get that?" she snapped, raising her brow again.

"El entered their marriage because Rebecca allowed it. Plain and simple. She loves El just as much as Garrett does, and El loves them both. Our kids are happy and healthy and I fear the day that people like you," she grimaced, "are able to put your negative thoughts into their heads." She pointed again. "Just because we don't work the way you think we should, doesn't mean we don't work. We are a family. We love each other, we protect each other. And I am getting sick and tired of listening to everyone is this damn town suggest otherwise!"

Stepping back, Dree took a deep breath and stretched her neck slightly. The anger had made her tense up, and her neck was going to be a wreck in the morning. "Now, if you will excuse me, ladies, the Mystic Man is sitting alone, at our table, waiting on me before they bring dessert. And, after we are done, we are going to go back home, and we are going to say goodnight to our children. Then, we are going to sit down with El and Rebecca and tell them all about our evening."

The look in her eyes scared the women, because they knew that meant the two women would be hearing about this incident, as well. And, even though Dree might not know who they were, Lady Cain would find out. And when that happened, their social standing would likely plummet.

Dree pushed the loose hair off her face again - the damn clip just wasn't going to work with her tonight - and gave the women a plastered-on smile. "You two have a lovely evening," she told them in a sickly-sweet voice. Dree turned and moved swiftly for the door, but stopped, got a wicked little smirk, and turned back.

"And one more thing, ladies," she said in the same tone, "I have been happily married to Lady Brooks for well over ten annuals. And if anyone let anyone else into a marriage, it was me." With another 'take that'-eyebrow raise, she added: "So, drop that little morsel into your twenty-Platinum soup and let it simmer!"

Turning on her heel, leaving both women pale and open-mouthed, Dree breezed out of the ladies' lounge and stopped at the edge of the dining room. Closing her eyes, she took slow, deep breaths, trying to calm down. She didn't need to have Garrett see her upset, and she really didn't want two old biddies to ruin her night out.

Plastering on a smile, wondering how many other patrons of the restaurant were thinking exactly what those two women actually had the nerve to say, Dree started moving through the sea of tables and chairs, nodding politely to those who smiled at her, and side-stepping two waiters as they delivered hot plates.

Returning to the table, she smiled as Garret stood. "Everything all right?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course," she replied, holding the smile for only another second, when her mentally called her bluff. Rolling her eyes, Dree shook her head and waved a hand. "A little incident in the bathroom. Probably will end up on the front page of the Central City Star." Giving him a nod, she added: "I apologize in advance, and if I need to do any damage control, I will."

She leaned back as a pair of waiters appeared, placing a small plate in front of each of them. Sitting inside the delicate, emerald-green egg cups was a hard shell of dark chocolate, molded into the shape of an egg. "Thank you," she murmured, already smelling the glorious aroma of the chocolate. One of the two waiters then proceeded to fill their wine glasses, before he bowed and disappeared to tend to another table.

"Okay," she said, glancing at Garrett over the table's centerpiece. "What is this and how do I get into it?"

Garrett smiled and lifted his dessert spoon in one hand, and the dessert fork in another. "Three hundred annuals of State Dinners and you still don't know your place settings?" he teased, complete with a tutting sound. Dree made a rather inelegant face at him and watched as he held the chocolate egg with the fork, then gave the shell a swift tap with the spoon.

Dree copied his move and raised an eyebrow when she saw what was hiding under the chocolate. Setting the spoon down, she started to poke at the dessert with the fork, hoping it just looked like an egg, but stopped as Garrett cleared his throat. Raising an eyebrow, she noticed his eyebrow and looked at his hand. With a slight nod, she set the fork on the plate and picked up the spoon.

Getting a little of the foreign mixture on the spoon, Dree noted that it was much softer than an egg, and gave it a sniff before putting the dessert into her mouth. "Oh my God," she mumbled around the confection, raising a hand to her mouth as the flavors mixed on her tongue.

A passionfruit jam for the yolk, while the 'egg white' was most definitely cheesecake, combined with the hint of chocolate from the shell.

"This is the most amazing thing I have ever had in my mouth," she said from behind her hand. At the smirk on Garrett's face, she moved her foot under the table until it made contact.

Dree took two more bites of the dessert before she noticed the two women had returned to their table across the restaurant, and were trying not to look at her. "Remind me to bring a half-dozen of these to Elly," Dree requested. "Because I said something I shouldn't have, and I think this is the only way she'll forgive me for it."

Though, knowing her wife, El would be more proud that the blonde had stood up for herself and the family than anything else.

"I think we can arrange that," Garrett said after finishing a sip of his wine. Setting his glass down, he waved for one of the waiters and quickly ordered a dozen of the desserts, packaged to take home to the Ladies Cain and Brooks.

-writerverse, goldfish

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