Original: The Tide's Changing

Jun 25, 2014 10:11

Title: The Tide's Changing
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Audrey
Rating: G
Summary: It's time to say goodbye to her mistress.
Warning: *Written for Say Nothing at writerverse. Prompt: Write a scene that contains no dialogue.
Disclaimer: For the first time, I can say that EVERYTHING about this one is MINE, ALL MINE. Mwahaha!! This is an AU!Dree for a roleplaying game over at InsaneJournal, which has since closed.

She stares off at the horizon, only the sound of the Pacific Ocean waters lapping at her surfboard as they bob together, as one. Today's conditions are less than ideal for surfing, as there’s no swell, but she's not here to surf.

Today is her last trip out for what's been nearly a decade of tradition. She's going to miss this - the peace, the calm, the sun - come the winter. She's only ever known the California weather, and, tomorrow, she's trading one ocean for another.

The Atlantic Ocean isn't warm in Rhode Island - damn currents - but she's done some research, and has learned that there is actually surfing, not too far from where she'll be living. Everyone comment she's seen, though, highly recommends a full-body wetsuit, even in the dead of summer.

What's the point of going to the beach if you're going to be completely covered up?

A warm breeze reminds her of where she is, and she decides it's time; if she stays out here any longer, she'll never want to leave. Twisting, she starts paddling herself around and aims her beloved surfboard for the shoreline.

-writerverse, rhode island

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