Original: Rain Rain, Go Away

Jun 23, 2014 23:22

Title: Rain Rain, Go Away [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Max, Dree, and El (mention of DG)
Rating: G
Summary: The Florida weather has put a damper on the family vacation
Warning: Disney trip - Wednesday (between Breaking Up is Hard to Do and Separation) *Written for 24 Hour Challenge A at writerverse. Prompt: rain, rain, go away, come again another day
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

Max's forehead was pressed against the window, frown in danger of becoming permanent. It was already raining when he woke up, and from the color of the sky, it wasn't going to stop any time soon.

There weren't a lot of people outside, but every now and then, he could see someone moving down below. The hotel was exciting, but there wasn't much to do in his room but watch the television and read his books.

He'd already read them twice.

He had breakfast in the lounge, but that wasn't really a room to play in. The hallways were empty, and all the doors were locked to anyone without the key, so he really couldn't explore.

There was shouting from the hallway, which made Max turn away from the window. He could hear someone yelling - a father was telling his kids to be quiet while at least two children were complaining that they couldn't go to the pool.

He pushed up from the floor and moved over to the bed his mothers were currently napping in; well, Mel was reading one of the many pamphlets they'd received at check-in, but Mommy was asleep.

Max leaned against the mattress and watched the brunette for a moment, before she looked up and gave him a smile. "Hi," El said, moving the pile of pamphlets to make room for the six-year-old.

"Hi," Max said as he climbed onto the bed and snuggled against her.

El kissed the top of her son's head and showed him the page she was looking at. "Can you read that?" she asked him in a low tone, pointing to a section of the map. Max shifted and reached for her hand, pulling the page closer.

"It is Lay-go," he said with a gasp, turning to look at her. "It is the same like my blocks from Miss Deegee!" El gave him a warm smile and nodded. "What does it say, please?" he asked, turning back to the page and pointing to the words next to it.

El hugged him and read quietly: "Lego ima-gin-ation center," she paused, having some trouble with the word. "Every Lego toy..." she paused, trying to sound the word out in her head, "imagin-able is here."

Max turned his head to look up at her. "What is that word, Mel?"

"Which one? Imagination?" Max shook his head. "The other one?" she assumed, smiling as Max nodded. "Well, it's spelled almost the same, isn't it? Imagine... able." El glanced at her wife for a moment, knowing that the blonde would probably be better to ask. After all, Dree was the librarian.

"Well, I know that's ‘imagine,' and you know that one, right?" Max nodded. "And that's ‘able'. So... maybe it means able to imagine?" That sounded right, but for all she knew, it meant something completely different.

Why couldn't the Other Side speak basic Council like the rest of the universe?

"So, all of the Lego toys you," she smirked, poking his side, "are able to imagine are in that shop!"

Max's eyes went wide and he twisted around. Pushing himself up to his knees, so that he was now at eye-level, Max reached for El's face and held her cheeks. "Mel, can we go to this place? Please please?"

El tried to hold a straight face as he pleaded, trying to give her the pout he had clearly learned from the Cain men. "I don't know," she drew out, noting that Dree had shifted next to them. "We can't go without Mommy. And she might never wake up."

I heard that, Dree told her, thankful for the hundredth time into the trip that their mental connection was working on the Other Side, too.

Max got a look on his face that made her smile. With a nod, El whispered: "One.. two.."

Dree sat up and lunged at her son, who shrieked and laughed as she dropped him to the mattress and tickled him. "Stop it! Stop it!" he shrieked between giggles. "I will have to potty!"

Dree stopped tickling him, but didn't move from above him. "You will?" she asked, then kissed his cheek. Max reached up as she pulled back and held her cheeks, smiling at the happiness on her face.

"Okay, let him up," El ordered, pulling on Dree's arm. Max sat up as Dree moved, and gave a look to El. She smirked and grabbed Dree. "Get her!" Max popped up and grabbed his mother's stomach, tickling one side as El poked her wife's other side.

"Okay, okay!" Dree called out. "Mommy is gonna have to potty, too!" Max pulled back and sat on his heels as Dree pushed her hair back. "You two are sneaky!" El smirked and moved the pile of pamphlets to the nightstand.

"Mommy," Max started, giving her the same pout he'd given El, "can we please go to this place with all of the Lay-gos I can ‘ma-gine?" Dree glanced at El, who nodded.

The buses will take us there and bring us back, El told her, motioning toward the television. No point in trying to go to a park in this weather. Dree nodded. Shopping for souvenirs now would save them trying to remember last-minute gifts before leaving, anyway.

"Is it still raining?" She didn't have to ask, though, because they could hear the drops plinking against the window.

"Yes," Max replied with a frown. Dree motioned for him to give her a hug and smiled as his body curled against hers.

"Then it's a good thing we packed jackets, huh?" Max nodded and Dree let go of him. "Okay, you go potty." Max grinned and rolled himself away and off the side of the bed. Dree looked at El and smiled. "Well, his mood is better."

El nodded and reached up to push Dree's hair off her shoulder. "Your mood is better, too."

Dree smiled and shrugged a shoulder. "Well, I get to go shopping, so-" Her comment was cut off by El reaching to poke her side. Dree laughed and caught the brunette's hand. "Hey, now." She leaned in and kissed El, then whispered into her ear: "Save that for when he's asleep."

-writerverse, goldfish

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