Title: The Park Tour [
Author: Erin (
Characters, Pairing: Max and Trey (mention of Dree)
Rating: G
Summary: Max makes his first visit to the park.
Warning: Just after
Best Friends Forever *Written for
All About Dad at
writerverse. Prompt: Write a story/scene about a dad
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and
bizarra's. And, now
gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to
gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥
"And this," Trey Donovan says as the doors slip open, "is called an ar-bor-etum." The infant is less than a week old, and isn't even awake, but that hasn't stopped his father from taking Max on a full tour of his home. "This is one of my favorite places on the ship," Trey says in a low tone, giving a nod to two of the scientists working in the corner. He glances down at the bundle in his arms and smiles at the scrunched face.
Leaning his head up, Trey glances at the ceiling and nods. "Yeah, the lights are a little bright." He moves a hand to cover Max's eyes, and the scrunched cheeks relax. "Let's get under a tree, huh?" Trey offers, and moves further into the lab.
The room is huge, providing plenty of oxygen for the ship's crew. And, to mimic being on land, the computers have programmed cycles for lighting and weather. He has always enjoyed being in the open meadow-area with his wife when it starts 'raining'; once she's been given an all-clear from the ship's doctor, Trey will be able to bring her back here, so they can dance in the rain.
"Maybe we can build you a treehouse, kiddo," Trey tells his son. "We'll have to talk Mommy into it," he whispers, then presses a kiss to Max's forehead. "Maybe a low one," he suggests, knowing Dree won't want Max climbing higher than she can reach.
"We can go camping in here," he whispers. "Yeah," his voice squeaks slightly, "sleepin' outside." There's a slight flicker in the lights, which catches his attention, and Trey knows that the rain is coming in five minutes. Turning back toward the door they came in, Trey points Max in the direction of a garden and smiles.
"How about we find Mommy a pretty flower? To keep her company?" Dree’s still in the medbay, recovering from Max's difficult delivery. "You think she would like that?" he asks, then nods. "I think you're right." Trey finds a nice bloom, similar to a hibiscus, and reaches to pull at the stem.
"Isn't that pretty?" he asks, holding the flower up for Max. The newborn squirms in his father's arms and hid face scrunches again, as he starts to wake up. "I know that face," Trey says dully, and turns to leave the lab. "Must be lunchtime." He gives another nod to the scientists, saluting them with the pilfered bloom, and steps into the corridor as the doors slip open again.