Original: The Day After

Jul 02, 2014 21:06

Title: The Day After [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Celcia (mention of the Celcians and Council officers)
Rating: PG
Summary: As the suns rise, she's all alone.
Warning: follows Waiting by some time *Written for Weekly Quick Fic #5 at writerverse. Prompt: But the day after is darker, and deeper and deeper we go. Who knows, maybe it's all a dream? Who knows if I'll wake up and scream? (My Dear Country by Norah Jones)
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

There is no life on the planet's surface as the first sun rises. The last of them left the day before, when the shuttles came and took the survivors up to the spaceship.

Celcia blames herself; she couldn't keep herself together and when she finally broke, the life on her surface suffered.

The quakes didn't take their lives, but the aftermath did.

So many people died that first day, and the immediate days following. Most of those lucky enough to survive, left the planet immediately. Many stayed, though, not knowing that the worst of it was still to come.

Even as their numbers grew shorter - daily, hourly - they never left her. She wanted so much to make it up to them, but there was no way for her to tell them how sorry she was.

An annual later, no one else has died; no one else will be left in her care. They are in safer hands, wherever they're headed.

Safer than they would be staying with her.

Still, she would give anything to bring them all back; to feel life happening on her surface.

It's too quiet, and she is so very lonely.

-writerverse, goldfish

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