Original: V-Day (Adora) PG

Apr 15, 2013 21:51

Title: V-Day [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Adora (mention of the squad and the Longcoats)
Rating: PG
Summary: The war may be over, but the battle is just beginning.
Warning: *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: v-day Original titles are wholly unoriginal.
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

She still remembers the officer running up the road, short of breath and looking like he was ready to collapse at any second. She remembers the disbelief on the faces of her men as the news sank in, not to mention the doubt that the news could be true.

The war was over.

They were supposed to pack up and report, as soon as possible, to the field command. She gave the order for the unit to get to work, packing up their things and closing up the campsite. They'd been on the move for nearly a year, so there wasn't much for the group to pack up that hadn't been brought in.

She moved to her tent and picked up the blanket from the cot. As she started to fold it, her eyes moved to the canvas walls and she stopped, then sat down on the cot as memories flooded back.

Back then, they were having to move out quickly, because the Longcoats were coming. This time, they were being rushed by command; hurrying to be reassigned or discharged. She hoped, for their sakes, the boys would be discharged. They'd seen more than they ever should have in the past annual, and had done things most couldn't imagine.

Then again, going home meant someone might want to talk. And, talking about what they'd been through, with those who had no idea what it was really like, wouldn't do the boys any good, either.

She needed to sit them down and make sure they knew she wasn't leaving them behind, no matter where she went. If she stayed on, they could still come to her. If command decided she was no longer needed - and after what happened at Milltown, she wouldn't be surprised - she would still be there for her boys.

The Resistance fighters had always tried to make time for each other, especially for those having the most trouble with things they had seen or done. In most cases, it was following a particularly brutal battle that the nightmares started.

She'd stayed up through the night for the first week after Milltown, just in case one of them needed to talk.

As the boys started to get excited, she could hear them coming up with different theories on what would happen next. Would they get to go home? Would they be sent somewhere else? Would they get a parade when they returned to Central City, or have young girls throwing themselves at their feet?

She said nothing as they asked her opinion, because she really didn't know. The last time the world had to continue following a war, she knew how long it had taken for everyone to readjust. Twenty annuals later, the sides still hadn't managed to live together in peace, and everything had gone to hell again.

She didn't have hope for anything. She didn't have anyone to go home to. All she had was this life, these boys.

The war may be over, but her fight was just beginning.


-love_bingo, goldfish

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