Original: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (Dree, Max, and El) G

Apr 15, 2013 21:58

Title: Breaking Up is Hard to Do [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Dree, Max, El, and a random Cast Member
Rating: G
Summary: The Disney trip is full of memorable firsts... including a lost tooth.
Warning: *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: breaking up is hard to do Original titles are wholly unoriginal.
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

The family was sitting at one of the tables, relaxing after a long day in the parks before they headed back to the room for baths and sleep. Max was fighting it, but Dree and El could both see that he was slowly losing the battle. "Mommy," Max said, sitting up and leaning his elbows on the table. "Can I have my piece of purple, please?"

Dree looked at him for a moment, until Max sat back in his chair the proper way, and she reached for the backpack. "I think you have definitely earned a snack today, Monkey." It took her a few seconds to find the piece of taffy the woman at the candy shop had given him, and Dree passed it over.

"It is very chewy, okay? Not soft," she warned, though she hadn't actually had taffy in a long time. Max nodded as he focused on the wrapper and slowly, almost meticulously, unwrapped the twists on either side of the grape sweet.

"Does it smell purple?" El asked as she watched Max. Max held it up and sniffed it, then made a face. He wasn't actually sure what purple smelled like. "Does it smell like grapes?" she asked again, then smiled when Max nodded.

Once he had the wrapper off, Max examined the little wad of taffy and made a face. "It is sticky." Dree smiled and nodded as she took another sip of her tea. "How do I 'posed to eat it?" he asked, mostly because he'd never seen taffy before.

"Well," El sighed as she pointed to the candy, "when you're much bigger, you can just pop the whole thing in your mouth and chew, like this." She made a face and chewed an invisible piece of taffy to show him. Max laughed and looked at Dree, who nodded. "But, since you have a tiny mouth," El, suggested, waving for him to give the taffy to her. "Start tiny." With that, she tugged the mostly-soft candy apart, offering the six-year-old a smaller chunk. Max nodded and copied El's chewing motion before he put the candy in his mouth.

The girls watched for a moment, while El ate the other half of the taffy, as Max chewed on the new candy. A moment later, his eyes went wide, then Dree's, as Max leaned forward and spit the candy, and some blood, out into his hand. Dree reached for Max's face with a napkin while El moved to his side.

Max was too afraid to scream, but the pain of the taffy pulling his tooth out was evident from the tears already streaming down his cheeks. "It's okay, baby," Dree said, trying to keep him calm. "El, we need water," she said, nodding toward the backpack.

El nodded and dug the half-empty bottle out, then poured water onto a fresh napkin. "Here, Maxie," she said, "open your mouth, baby." Max was already crawling into Dree's lap, now sobbing. Dree held him tight and rocked her son, trying to calm him down.

"It's okay, Max. I promise," she assured him, running her fingers through his almost-too long hair. "Everybody loses teeth." Pulling back, she nodded to him. "I lost all mine. So did Mel," she said, nodded as El did. "Daddy, and Grampa, and Grama... Kenna lost her first tooth eating a piece of pie!"

That didn't seem to be helping Max through this painful milestone, and he only cried harder. "Oh, Maxie," Dree sighed, rocking him again. "I promise, this is going to be okay. You are gonna get a new tooth, better than that one," she told him, nodding toward the napkin El had covered the tooth and taffy with.

"She's right, Max," El said, rubbing his back. "This means you are officially a big boy, now." She gave Dree a look and shrugged, not actually sure what else to say to him in that moment.

Dree's attention shifted slightly as someone came over wearing a nametag. "Is everything all right?" the man asked, fearing someone might be choking. Dree smiled and nodded as she continued to rock Max, while El leaned back and lifted the napkin.

"We just lost our first tooth, a bit unexpectedly," El said, giving the man a smile. He nodded in understanding and smiled.

"Well, a congratulations are in order, in that case," he said, leaning slightly to get a look at Max. "You know what this means?" he asked, giving Max a big smile.

Max still had the pout to end all pouts on his face, but he wiped at his cheeks and sat up a little. "No sir," he replied in a shaky tone.

The man smiled again and nodded. "It means you get to drink through a straw without ever opening your mouth." Max wasn't sure how that was a good thing, but he nodded anyway. "I'll get you some ice," the man said to El and Dree, then stepped away.

Dree leaned to look at Max and ran her thumb along his cheek. "Let me see, Maxie." Max gave her a frown, but opened his mouth, as requested. Dree could see that the bleeding had stopped, but he did have one heck of a hole in that smile.

"Here, Max," El said again, "let me put this in your mouth, okay?" Max didn't like the idea of the napkin being in his mouth any more than he liked the idea of the tooth being out of his mouth. But, El insisted and he let her do whatever she needed to.

The cool of the water actually felt good, and his eyes closed as Max collapsed again against Dree's chest and shoulder. "It's gonna be okay, my big boy," the blonde said, kissing his head.

With a look to El, Dree frowned and shook her head. It's official... My baby isn't a baby anymore.

-love_bingo, goldfish

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