Tonight,or last night

Feb 11, 2006 06:40

Much Fun

hung out with my boo,Alyssa

Kenny,Cam,Collen,Papa,Bakemen,and big Pachico!

Alyssa and i didn't meet them until later on though

i was late for school so Alyssa waited for me and Kenny outside of the detention room because we both came in late together.

Kenny got dismissed before me :(

so he fucked around with Alyssa to annoy me while i was still in detention

'Mr.Grumpy Pants!'

'Kenny Smells like Cheese!'

'I heart you Boo!'

ahaha,good times.

I eventually got bailed out of dentention cause i answered the dention teacher's question right.

Thats right,to get out of detention quicker i answered a question right :)

Then Kenny,Alyssa,and I walked towards Alyssa's house

when we got to her street Ken left cause he had to get his paycheck at the

and a bunch of other shit.

So i was killing time with the Lyss.

Played get the bouncy ball in the water vase

Ate bacon-ish tasting cookies

watched music videos

oh and spoke to my Valentine online!:0

Alyssa introduced me to her friend and he was so sweet

he asked to be my Valentine.

I'm not into the whole Valentine thing,but i think it's cute,so i said yes.

He's really shy though.

But anyways,then i watched Kill Bill 1 with Alyssa

best movie


Eventually we got a ride to taco bell to meet the boys up

they eventually showed up

and ate,though they had already stuffed their faces previously upon joining us >_<

then i noticed Collen was in the bathroom

so we all agreed to ditch him :p

we all ran out and hid in alleys and stuff

eventually being questioned by the cops

cause we looked suspcious o_O

I'll be lucky if i don't get arrested again.

Every night so far that we've fucked around in the Parkway,

we always run into some kind of problem with the cops

though last time Alyssa,Pachico,and I got REALLY lucky.

Reunited with Collen in the Stop and Shop lot

and Alyssa and I convinced Kenny to get us and ice cream cake

cause we're SO CUTE!

well,we kept it that way and that way only

from previous command for us to make out or no ice cream cake :(

we got away lesbien rep clean though :D

Stole 2,count them 2! spoons and payed for the cake.

Collen did a stinky as a poopy prank on this donation box thing

in the middle of the parking lot.

...Need i say more?

We all ended up walking back to Bakemen's house

on the way there,me and Alyssa swear we ran into some punks that had harassed us

and the group of guys we were with got all defensive.

tis' was funny.

We made it to Bakemen's and hung out.

Scarfing on cake and such,feeding the boys,and Alyssa and i touching each other ;)

lol ahaha,i just gave her a massage

cause her Mikey has been pissed at the fact guys touch her


tee-hee :D

Eventully Alyssa,Kenny,and I made our ways home

watching in amusment as Alyssa played with her shadow

like a drunk <3

Got home.
Can't Sleep.
Bad things.
Fun things.
No Sleep.

I love Fridays/Saturdays :p
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