Off to Japan!

May 04, 2014 20:32

(Sorry if you see this twice - DW crossposting seems to still not work for me.)

I am off to Japan! I will be in Tokyo from May 27th to June 16th. This is my first time traveling there alone, so I have some questions - any thoughts you have will be great. :)

1) Is Suica or Pasmo the better way for getting around? I don't see myself having to leave Tokyo, so the JR Pass isn't worth it this time. Is one better than the other, in terms of universality? Also, getting to and from Narita, do you have to buy tickets for N'EX or are there other trains to take? (On a related note, what's the best way to get from Tokyo to Narita, as N'EX is only the other way around?)

2) I don't have a smartphone in the US, but I figure I'll need to have something while wandering around, especially since I'll be balloting for tickets and such and will need a way to be contacted. Do any of the combini sell pay-as-you-go phones, or does anyone know of cheap phone rentals? I was looking at some of the phone rental places at Narita, but they seem either confusing or expensive (is it really going to cost ¥100 per character to text?!)

On a related note, how is Tokyo in wifi availability, or does no one know because they always use their phone plans? XD

3) Lodging! Does anyone have any good recommendations? I was looking at this place, but I need to see if they have room available. Ideally, I don't want to spend more than ¥4000 a night, if at all possible. Or... if anyone has a couch I can crash on for even a couple of the days I'm there, I'd be very grateful!! I can pay for food/utilities/whatever. :D
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