Jan 06, 2009 23:13
So happy 2009 to one and all. I hope this year will be amazing and a happy one to all!
So it is a new year which means one of my favorite things to do: Resolutions for the new year I really hope to achieve, so lets get started:
1.) Lose Weight- DUH! Well, it really says "Get to healthy weight". As I was talking to the NP at school about my weight she showed me where I should be with my weight and I made that healthy weight as my goal. Between dance, and such, I hope to achieve that and keep it off. I can NOT let my mom be skinner than me (lol).
2.) Get more confidence- This has always been a struggle for me. I have never been confident and the most outgoing with people when I am in uncomfortable situations. So far at school my promise to myself to be outgoing has been working and I have met some great people and friends.
3.) Especially with men- another DUH one. Example: right now it is an issue. I was planning on approaching a guy about his actions towards me, and just as I grew a spine to go to him, he left for break, and that is such a downer cuase i was planning on using this break to figuare out how to either keep persuing him or to just try to move on with him and seek fresh meat. Who knows. I will try. Maybe it will help me to:
4.) GET A BOYFRIEND- 19 and never had a BF? Yeah. I know people have been telling me to not even bother, that it is a waste of my tome, but I just want to find out formyself, and not through everyone else. End. Of. Story.
5.) Part in musical- I know this will be up in the air and up to someone that is not me, but I am hoping I will be in the spring musical at school, which I just found out that its The Pajama Game which is a great fun play. Cross your fingers!
6.) Take better care of my voice- I have been kind of, but I need to take better care of it, because I do use it often while at school. So Lemon tea with honey it is! No problem there. It's just the less screaming part :/ .
7.) Exercise more- I do Dance at school, and it has helped me lose some weight, but I need to do more than just dance...I do have time after classes, and I am planning on using some of it to get to the gym at school and just work out. I bring my water, my Zune and I am ready to go!
8.) Not just dance- see above
9.) Update fics within a month from last update- I truely mean that, especially to those who do read my fics. This past semester betwreen crazy CRAZY schedule, and lack of inspiration, it was very hard for me to update on a timely basis. I will try as hard as I can to balance it so I can update. If I scratch your back... ;D.
10.) Devote more time to my studies and schoolwork- Last semester was great (Straight B's across the board), but I know that I can do better, so I just need to devote a little more of my time to my schoolwork, even maybe fininsh reports early, so they can be [roofread and finsihed not at the las minute. Sometimes it works, but sometimes, it just doesn't. AND if I finish early, I could update my fics as often as I please.
11.) Positive outlook on myself- I really don't give much of a positive outlook of myself at times, and i have been trying, so this year I am hoping to see myself in more of a positive light, and not just when I am performing. It could help me with so may things including my confidence.
And that's it. These are my goals for 2009. I hope that I can achive them and I hope all you can too.
Here's to a great and Happy New Year!