Cure from Bordom (Stole from my friend Micheala)

Nov 10, 2008 23:20

Ten things you wish you could say to 10 different people right now (don't list names):
1. I'm sorry if I am not living up to my expectations. I'm just me. I'm not Superwoman.
2. One minute you are so cold, the next you are chummy. WHAT DO YOU WANT? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME? PLEASE JUST TELL ME!
3. You keep me sane while I am here, away from my comforts from home.
4. As much as we are still as close as we are, I feel that we are also growing apart, just as I feared.
5. Why do you hate him? It's not soley his fault. It was all of our fault. NOT. ALL. HIM.
6. ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY? You are ruining many things with many people with the stupid desisions you are making with just one person.
7. Why are you still changing? You do not want to turn into the one person you fear the most.
8. I miss you and want to give you the biggest hug to make you feel better. I wish I can snap my fingers and give you what you despertately need: a place to call home.
9. No matter how many times you tell me it is amazing, I DO NOT like AT ALL Hannah Montana or High School Musical.
10. Untill I am bored enough and get the interest, I WILL NOT read and see anything Twilight related, so STOP PESTERING ME WITH IT!

Nine things about yourself:
1. I am a Masshole and proud.
2. Although people tell me otherwise, I am fat and its ok to use that word in front of me. It's not a swear.
3. Performing is one of the only times I am always happy.
4. I can read body languages between two other people, but between me and another person, my sixth sence is worth shit.
5. I'm trying to change an image that has been forced upon me for years back at home.
6. In high school, I was only respected for my talent.
7. One of things about home I miss the most is my cat (I LOVE YOU OREO!)
8. I have been in love only once, only to get my heart broken then not see him for almost 5 years.
9. I have never felt pretty.

Eight ways to win your heart:
1. Respect me from the start
2. Feel comfortable around me. I don't bite, I promise!
3. I hope you like fat. I have a lot of it! (lol)
4. See that I am a beautiful person on the inside, even though I thnk my outside needs to be worked on.
5. My family and friend must give you the seal of approval. If they do not liek you then something muct be up.
6. Respect my boundaries with my body. I do have morals for myself.
7. You can like any team you want, just DO NOT be a Yankees fan (lol).
8. Love me for me. That's all I ask.

Seven things that cross your mind a lot:
1. Home
2. Songs, depends on the day which one.
3. How the world hates fat people.
4. How guys seem to just not see me in that way.
5. God, I need to exersise more!
6. I wish I had money to get things that I need (and possibly splurge on also)
7. I love my friends.

Six things you wish you never did:
1. Made the first move with someone
2. Fall in love with my best friend
3. Make fun of myself
4. Be so damn shy and a chicken at times
5. Be so damn lazy
6. The fact that I ALWAYS look for the good things in people, no matter how bad they really are.

Five turn offs in a guy/girl:
1. Disrespect towards me/ people I care about.
2. Drug use
3. Alcohol
4. Just doesnt care about hygene at all
5. No passion for at least one thing I am passionate about

Four turn-ons in a guy/girl:
1. Respect for me/ people I care about
2. Have some of the same interestes/passions as myself
3. Loving me who exactly who I am
4. Some sort of talent.

Three careers you would consider:
1. Actress/Singer/Perfomer
2. Techie
3. Stand-Up Comedy or Politics

Two things you want before you die:
1. Find my one true love
2. Perform on Broadway

One confession:
1. I am so afraid of rejection that I will do the thing that is easier in my mind, but not for the situation.
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