(no subject)

Jul 21, 2006 18:11

my brother and sister just got back from vermont. my brother got me a bear from the teddy bear factory.
it's got a green body, yellow head and feet bottoms, and pink  satiny petals around the yellow parts. a flower-bear. incredibly bright. it makes my yellow room look white i swear to god. and he's got this kinda retarded expression cuz his face is a bit smushed. it makes him look....o_o;; of a persuasion. no nice way to say it. but it's hilarious. i love him. i joked that his name was gonna be something rude. but i dislike names that are like 'something the great''. so his name will be Brandon. after the lead singer of the Killers named brandon flowers.

i had a RLY lucid dream last night. it scared me so bad. it was really jumpy and nonlinear so try and bear with me here.
first of all, if you ever read any of the series of unfortunate events, you'll know what i was thinking with the unrational part of my brains. the dream was tryin to distract me so i'd like die or something. "this is like that part of book number whatever" etc. but what it was REALLY like was alice in wonderland. the only similarities to the other is that there was a teen named violet (younger than me tho) and a baby who was female, tho unnamed. no boy tho. and i don't know if we were sposed to be related. but i did have an uncle, obviously not one from real life, but an uncle named vincent who looked like victor from the corpse bride, stylistically. the faces were the same shut up. anyway. violet was talking with him about something, and i was half paying attention half minding the baby. when suddenly i whip around and start accusing him of having become vastly different since some preceding event. he leaves the room. when i turn back the baby is gone, tho i watched him leave so he didn't take her. violet and me panic and leave the building. it's warm and nighttime. we go into a shop and look for the baby, finiding nothing. frustrated, violet leads me back out and to the front of another store, a clothing or costume store with a big display window. "wizard of oz!" she said huffily. she explained that due to the circumstances, this would provide a clear path to the baby. the store window, more like a hi res tv, blips to blue checkered pinafores and ruby heels. and we both are dressed in this fashion. i dislike this and ask the window for alice in wonderland (oh good one self, that'll make things even more messed up) then it spins to a bunch of blue alice dresses, and i specify for a gothier selection, then replace the mary janes with long boots. by then violet was halfway in a convience store/supermarket place, and i had to run to catch up. the street started to buck like a bull, colors flying about like giant ribbons in the non existant wind. inside, violet was at the other end of the shelves, and i try to run alongside. the merch flies of the shelves, blocking my view of her. finally, i reach the end, and run down the shelf to find that she's no longer there. i make for the exit, and who is it but uncle vincent again. here's where i identify him as uncle. he tries to push by me, but i jump and block him by balancing between the two music cd shelves ( i notice they're those music cd shelves cuz one fell to the floor)  i chase him, and a giant balloon bounces between us, allowing for him to disappear again. here's where i sink to the floor and begin retying ribbons on my gloves, that held them on or something. i tearfully beg for my grandma which is odd. then i wake up in a sweat. nasty.

yay, dreams, wtf

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