a quizzy quiz :)

Jul 18, 2006 15:03

1. Initials:
MAS. i'mma word in spanish :D

2. Name someone with the same birthday as you:
erm...i don't know anyone. but the elder half brother of the queen that sent Columbus out died in the first minutes of my birthday date. =d

3. Favorite fruit(s)?
Strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, and red grapes.

4. For or against same sex marriage?
For. 2 of the first "Daddy's friend" type people i ever met were a couple. so, i have this instinctual kindness to those of that persuasion.

5. Are you allergic to anything?
cats, and various pollens.

6. Are you bisexual?
i like looking at boys, thx.

7. Have you ever slept in someone elses clothes?
yeah. my mum, my friends, i'd venture my girl-cousin when she still lived on this side of the states.

8. Are you comfortable with your height?
no. my leg length vs. my hip size makes for really weird measurements. makes buying pants difficult.

9. How many of the U.S states have you lived in?
one kthx

10. Have you ever lived outside the US?

11. Name something physical you like about yourself?
most people would think i'd say my hair, but i actually like my hips, butt, that whole general area between my legs and tummy.

12. Something nonphysical you like about yourself?
my singing. :D and my art skills.

13. Do you have any pets?
my  brother has some fish and frogs.

14. What is your dream car?
one that i don't have to drive.

15. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
right now? a store to friggen get a ds lite. in general? aruuuuuuuuuba =]

16. Have you ever had someone of the opposite sex sleep over?
um...i'm almost positve my guy cousins have slept over, and i've slept over their houses once apiece.

18. What dream car do you want your husband/wife to drive?
my husband will drive something comfy, with room for one child and one or two dogs. preferably with bum warmers.

19. What song did you listen to last?
Gackt - Vanilla

20. Where would you want to go on a first date?
mall/shopping complex, then to his house.

21. Would you date the person who posted this before you?
since i stole this from a random page i would think not.

22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?
somebody gave me a tape that was made to sing me a birthday song. this was several years ago.

23. Ever been kissed under fireworks?
no, under fireworks or not. why is it special?

24. Do you like president Bush?
i never had a political opinion before bush. now, i think he sux. lol

25. Have you ever bungee jumped?

26. Have you ever went white water rafting?

27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?
...26?! no thank you.

28. Favorite Day Time Television Program?
law n order.

29. Ever been in the slammer?

31. What song are you listening to right now?
just tv.

32. What's your favorite song at the moment
Grand Theft Autumn (Where is Your Boy) - FOB

33. What was the last movie you watched?
i was watching the mummy a few days ago...

34. Whats the Worst Film You've ever seen?
worst made was prolly Monty Python and the Holy Grail XD movie i regret watching is prolly freaky friday. they killed the story like thanksgiving turkey. D:

35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?

36. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone elses property?
no. but my brother peed on our house once. XD

37. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex?
my brothers, my guy friends and me will smack each other up.

39. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
hair and clothes. emo hair and tight clothes = delish

40. What's your favorite body part on the opposite sex?
bodies. i like em skinny like me, so i don't feel like i'm being rude when i eat like a bird on a date.

41. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
caramel frappacino.

42. Who would you want to see right now?
my brother.

43. Last CD you Bought?
i bought the whole corpse bride soundtrack, but i think the last actual cd was disneymania 1 + 2

44. Say something totally random about yourself:
i really love these new jammies.

45. Do you have an iPod?

46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?

47. Favorite Classic Rock Song?
Bon Jovi - Livin' on a Prayer.

48. What Languages can you speak?
some spanish. snippets of japanese.

49. Do you have freckles?

50. Do you like someone right now?

51. How are you feeling?
sick. D:

52. Ever Gotten on Stage and Sang/Played for a Crowd?

53. Ever Deliberately Slaughtered Your Family in 'The Sims'?
not a whole family. but i think i've killed a household, collectively.

54. Whats the most you've spent in one day?
either for the new ipod, or the ds.

55. Have you ever ridden in a limo?
to go to the airport.

56. Has anyone you were really close to passed away?
i wasn't really close to her but my grandma did.

57. Do you watch MTV?

58. What's something that really annoys you?
kids who are walking around with a full diaper and just are like w/e. i am with the 3 yr olds this year and some kids omfg. i hate that.

59. What are some things you really like?
silky really pretty pjs. on me, on hot guys. w/e. can't go wrong.  dogs. kathy griffin. she's cool. pokemon. eh...lj :D

60. Do you like Michael Jackson?

61. How much do you spend on Credit a month?
i pay cash bebeh. and like some to none.

62. Have you ever surfed?
the web. :D but srsly no.

63. Do you know how to pump gas?

65. What's the latest you have ever stayed out?
like 10. and that's literally OUT. like with the bugs and hobos.

66. Have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die?
never. even when i split my toe wide open i knew i was nowhere near death, even with all the blood all over the floors.

67. Were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room?
i was rushed, and to the emergency room. but it was in the hotel dude's shuttle thing.

68. Have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do?
plenty of times. have i ever done them? nope.

69. How many songs are in your music folder?
there are 615 songs in my itunes. 706 thingers intotal.

70. Will anyone reply to this?
nope. :D


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