Dec 21, 2005 16:35
The intresting idea about Ikea is that the material they use is cheap; but all the labour is done by legal citzens of Sweeden. Most of them probably being Turkish, Czech, Yugo-whatever, Lativian, Estonian, blah blah, to sum up, by people darker then Sweeds. BUt intrestingly enough, they get decent benifits, and a decent paycheck. hmmm, i wish i wasn't such a glutton to consumerism back when i was a child; the idea of gettin ghist was what made the "holidays so memorable". Awww, all these Disney fantasy's just runn'n around like fucking 6 crack addicts on PCP running through with bounced checked books and maxed out credit cards with their kids crying and biting and punching to get that latest toy, and the soccer mom is doing the same thing but wait, its ritalin for the kids and Alchi for Mommy! All running for that intoxicating rush of joy, MM! just like slapping the forarm and shooting that fucking needle in. YES! OH YES! the orgasmic joy of wriping paper apart, or plastic, or wood, to reveal that shiny object, to amuse you for a few hours, then get frustrated and loose intrest! YEA! ONE MORE TIME! as the sugar and adriline and Starbucks keep runnin through the vains, ya, ya ya YEA YEA YEAAAA!!!!! Keep the kids stimulated as much as possible! Video games in McDonalds, TV in the SUV, portable DVD in the doctour office, TV through the asiles of WalMart, Game boy, PSP, X-what the fuck, in the airplane, bom bom bom, constaenly rushing with no interaction between human, the LCD tells you what to think, how to be programed, and how to enertain youself. Fuck natrue, fuck clorphyll, fuck clouds, fuck your parents, its just me me me me em em em me me em em me, you know you know????? And as that last kiddie cappicino is pissed out; you dead. can't move, big headche, dont' feel well, depresed out of your mind, and guess what?? your only 8! and tommorow, will be the same ride. Lets go again Mommy, Lets go again! hey Mommy, why is your wrist look funny? And whats that strange smelly stuff youd rink all the time? I don't like when you drive the Odyssey when you drink that stuff. Mommy, why doesn't Daddy sleep in the same bed with you? Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, could you ask the people in charge to turn off the TV's, and the Games, and stop making food so sweet for just one day? Thats all i want for Christmas Santa. Too bad Santa only gives presents to rich kids, the same rich kids who grow up to cheat on their AP tests, beat up black people, poor people, and "fags", same fucking kids who smoke weed and drink themselves silly, but get the 4.0 cause thats all anyone really cares about anymore. RIGHT?!??!??! NO KID on this earth would really like school? Cause you know, the TV tells me thats true, all the kids groan about homework and having to go to school. ANd look! all the kids i like, Hiliary Duff, the spoiled douche malcom in middle whatever the fuck, etc... they don't go to school! and their so successful, and attractive, and oh oh oh!~!! @#)(&)%)&_!@(!*_#)*#(%&)$&%%%%&&@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ at where? everyone is at someplace! and you have to make sure they have their... cellphone, portable faxer, blueberry, textmessage box, laptop, carphone, walk phone, jogphone, iPod, earbuds, cheer buds, mere buds, cause everyone needs to knwo wher eyou are at ALL TIMES< passive control! YAY
america is so smart
its why i love it
they manage to have publically enforced and supported propaganda
and have technology evolve in a way where we won't need telescreens or any of that 1984 gobbligook; soon the cellphone is going into a chip into the brain, then who knows when the control chip is being made. We don't know really know how powerful this Global Conglgramite of Military, Business, and Goverment is, hundresds of diffrent countries, companies, and militarys all trying way sto carve up this world a little finier and make it easier and easier to control us, control nature, control time, and control everything to the point that everything cna just end, or start, or the middl; doesnent matter, we have to hide and keep playing music, you hear that/!?!! music and art and love will stop it, and is the only way to stop it, fuck politics, fuck money raising, just ignore it, and get enough peopel to ignore it, and then they can't have control, only you give them the chance to have control.
I love you all, (sorry for the craziness)