So last night, first I couldn't find the Rangers game - I know I've said this before, but it shouldn't be an epic quest to find the channel showing the Rangers on nights when the Knicks and Devils play too. I don't understand why the Devils get precedence. And then I found the game and wished I hadn't, but it was time to change the channel.
I enjoyed Bright Lights, the Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher documentary, and I didn't even start crying until
Carrie shared her glitter with the nail techs. I don't know why that got me, but it did.
And then I put the end of the Rangers game on and they were winning??? So I missed some excitement, but I'll take not watching and winning over watching and losing. *hands*
And then I watched Star Wars Rebels: Ghosts of Geonosis.
"He's no Skywalker." !!!!! Does that mean Rex doesn't know?!!?? Ahsoka never told him!?!?! Because I can't see him saying that if he knows Anakin is Vader.
I liked that Saw carries around a holo of Steela. I am still bitter she wasn't the one who survived. But I kind of can't believe Saw and Rex didn't mention Ahsoka.
The episode itself was fine, I guess, but I thought it didn't take enough advantage of the creepy setting. Like, I was expecting brainworms or zombies or something super creepy out of those tunnels. Or that Saw had gone nuts and killed his own team. Not a sad bug with an egg. I also don't think they were very respectful - I mean, I get that none of them spoke his language, but Kanan's plan was sound. Get a translator and find out about the Death Star two years early! Because that was clearly the Death Star he was drawing. A lot of lives could have been saved.
I did like that Hera told Ezra that sometimes in pursuit of a larger goal, you have to work with people whose methods you don't approve of or whose goals or motivations are different from yours.
I made bacon this afternoon so it'll be bacon sandwiches for lunch this week! Mmm... I also got my grocery shopping done early so I didn't have to go out again into the cold.
January talking meme, day 8:
gwyn asked: What led you to start doing recs on Unfit for Society, and are there any things you've noticed that have changed about the kinds of fic you rec/your interests/how you do them?
I don't honestly remember why we started doing them? Maybe because we were giving the links to each other and it seemed easy enough to share them with everyone? But then the others fell away pretty quickly and it was just me, and I continue to do them, because people tell me they're useful.
I mean, other than when my main fandom changes, I don't think my tastes are that different? I mean, there are things I'm less tolerant of now that I would have let pass ten years ago, especially regarding the treatment of female characters, especially in slash, and there are writing trends that come and go, and I'm sure I follow some of those even without realizing it (or, you know, I don't because I don't like them), but nothing is specifically coming to mind. My preferences in prose style are pretty set, though there are always exceptions. And some fandoms are more about gen for me than ships, but that's definitely fandom-dependent.
I think in a fandom, when I'm flush with first love, I'll rec a lot more than when I've been in a fandom a year or two, and then I'm a lot more picky. So I guess that's a change?
Also, I guess I'm more willing to read longer fic now than I used to be, possibly because in some fandoms there's a lot more gen long fic? Like, I'm not going to read a 100K word epic that features pairings I don't care about, no matter how good it is (I mean, I'm also not going to read shorter fic about pairings I don't care about either, and no I don't care how well-written it is, but somehow so many 'fandom classics' seem to be ridiculously long epics about pairings or tropes I don't care about, so I've never read them), but if it's gen/family stuff, and it gets the dynamics right for me, I'll enjoy that a lot, even though I frequently think most fanfic over, say, 25K words should usually be shorter.
I might also give less technically proficient fic more of a chance than I used to, if I'm enjoying other things in it, though it has to really be working for me to actually rec it. Or it has to be in a fandom with a dearth of fic that I consider good. Dark Angel was notorious for that.
As for how the hows of it have changed, I used to keep a file in word, and then Delicious came along and it was so much easier to keep them in Delicious, and then Delicious left us and I switched to Pinboard, so I still save the links in Pinboard and then post them at the end of the month. Originally I just did one long post with everything for the month, but people said they'd prefer them broken up by fandom, so that's how I do it now. I like having them all together and all at once, rather than piecemeal here or there. I do a pointer post on Tumblr now, since several people asked me to, but since I find it impossible to find things later (Tumblr search is terrible and tagging doesn't always bring up everything I know I've posted and tagged), I don't see myself switching to it exclusively. It's too ephemeral for me - I like to be able to look back and see what I've recced, even if a lot of the links are broken now. I don't search out and fix broken links. It would be too much. Especially now that people are deleting their LJs left and right.
I don't know if that really gives you what you want? How do you think my recs have changed?
Ugh, the Giants are trying to kill me.
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