i can't stop this feeling deep inside of me

Jan 07, 2017 17:25

okay, I was not prepared for this weather! They said a coating or an inch or two, and it is STILL SNOWING. If I'd known, I'd have done the grocery shopping last night instead of just stopping off for toothpaste. I didn't even go out for coffee this morning! I had bacon in the freezer, so I guess I'll make it tomorrow, after its defrosted. And this is all supposed to clear up by tomorrow so I can go get groceries then. But I don't like being unprepared!

In other news, I've been uploading some old stories to AO3 and marveling at the number of comments on some of them. I don't mean to brag - sometimes the comment counts are because a conversation got started - but nowadays getting 20 or 25 comments on a story is a rare occurrence, let alone the occasional 40 or 50! At least for me (I know that people who post wsip still get tons of comments, but I just don't work that way). I've had many years to get used to the new normal and manage my expectations down, but I was surprised sometimes to see how many comments some things had.

I was also surprised to upload a story from 2004 and get a comment on it five minutes later! I thought notifications of backdated stories didn't get sent out? But I guess they do. either way, it was a pleasant surprise. I still have about ten imported stories hanging around in my drafts to be cleaned up and posted, so I apologize to anyone getting hit with notifications.


For the January talking meme,
edenfalling asked: What makes the difference between canons you love but are not particularly fannish about, and canons you are fannish about? Are there any patterns?

Again, I'm not sure how fannish is being defined here? But if it means creating fanworks, I think the answer there is usually a show I love but don't write fic for is a show that doesn't have a lot of space in it to fit the kinds of things I like to write? Or it just feels unnecessary - until the ending which I didn't love, I never felt like BSG wasn't giving me most of what I wanted (possibly it helped that I never really shipped Starbuck/Apollo), and I wasn't up for writing the things it didn't give me (I did want the Kara-was-the-first-hybrid story a lot, so I started it but couldn't make it work with the show's eventual mythology).

Partly it's because I marathoned the first two and a half seasons, so I had all the story there in a short amount of time and didn't have to speculate. I think this goes for the Marvel Netflix shows, as well. I've watched and enjoyed them but I don't really feel any need to dig deeper.

Friday Night Lights also feels like a show that doesn't need any supplement. I mean, it's nice - I've written a couple of stories and I read it at yuletide, especially future fic about the kids - but emotionally the show was very satisfying to me (if by 'emotionally satisfying' you mean it made me cry every week) and I never really felt a need to add to it. I wrote the things that struck me, but there weren't many.

Or for The Good Wife, something clearly needed to be done about the Alicia/Kalinda situation, but I guess I never felt it strongly enough to pick up a pen. Or, rather, I never felt I grasped the voice or motivations of either character enough to write about it. And I enjoyed the show a lot but I didn't rewatch the episodes to glean character insight or remember plot details the way I have with shows I've been super fannish about.

Or take AtLA/LoK - I wanted to write fic but never had any real idea of what to write. I've rewatched AtLA a not insignificant number of times and I love it, but I don't know where to go with that in terms of stories. It's never pinged me insistently the way things I do write fic about do. I also felt that way about Sports Night and the West Wing and Buffy. I was heavily fannish about all of them in terms of participating in newsgroups and reading fic and speculating, but aside from a story here or there, likely prompted by someone else, never really had urgent need to write.

On the other hand, a show like Supernatural - god, season 2 of Supernatural was amazing for writing fic. So many Winchester family feels! There was still a mytharc to tease out (and the possibility that they wouldn't fuck it up, which, ha! The mytharc is always fucked up!), and everything was new. I think I wrote a post-ep for like half the episodes that season in addition to whatever else I had going on, because there was just so much story that wasn't told, all lurking at the edges of the story that was. That's how Harry Potter felt too, except with much more time between installments.

For The Middleman and Firefly, they ended so abruptly that there was a lot of story we'd never get to see, so that is what excites me about writing them, and shipping of course. I mean, let's be real, I want my OTPs to make out! I also just want some resolution - that's what happened when I saw CATFA - I knew Bucky wasn't really dead, so I wanted to read all the fic! (Except that there were like 24 stories on AO3 at that point, and half of them were actually Steve/Tony. I know it's shocking now that that Steve/Bucky is a juggernaut pairing, but that was not the case in August of 2011.)

And sometimes I don't ship what the majority of the people in the fandom are shipping, or not to the same degree, so I just don't have the same feels/focus? I think this is so for The Losers, a movie I enjoyed tremendously and have read fic for, but it's the kind of thing that's out of sight, out of mind for me. I mean, Jensen/Cougar is nice but I have no real attachment to it, and I didn't have the fortitude to deal with having to write my way out of what the movie did with Clay/Roque, so I haven't.

On the third hand, for Yuletide I've written fic for things I'm not fannish about (e.g., The Devil Wears Prada, The Big Bang Theory), so sometimes I guess I just enjoy a thing and don't think much about it afterwards? But with the right spark, I can write and enjoy fic?

So I guess I don't know the answer? Maybe it's that canons with either large time gaps or large writing gaps are easier to write in than canons that are well-written and tightly plotted and emotionally satisfying.

And if you meant something else by fannish...I don't really have a better answer. Sometimes I feel a thing and sometimes I don't? *hands*


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/900569.html.
people have commented there.

on archiving, memes: 31 days of december, fannishness

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