try imagining a place where it's always safe and warm

Oct 31, 2016 12:15

So after being tempted by this Darth Vader iPad case, I ended up ordering one that is much cheaper and will also give me the pink rose gold iPad experience I was denied by the rose gold not being available for the iPad Air 2. We'll see what it looks like when it arrives. (I could not, alas, find anything I liked with the Nightwing symbol on it, which was my first choice tbh.)

In other news, it is somehow time yet again for the monthly writing round up:

I'm crawling on your shore (@ AO3)
Six of Crows; Kaz/Inej; pg; 1,765 words
It's a good thing they're playing a long game.

the dream of flight persists (on AO3)
Star Wars/Firefly; Anakin/Kaylee, ensemble; AU; pg; 16,740 words
Anakin's never found much serenity himself, despite all the meditation he's been subjected to over the years; maybe working on this ship will do it.

Any month where I write 17k words is a good month, imo. I definitely want to write more Kaz/Inej, though as of yet nothing has really pinged for me. I just keep hoping someone else is writing the stories about them that I want to read.

I doubt I will write a sequel to the SW/Firefly crossover but maybe if I can figure out what Ahsoka's been up to (I mean in specific in this 'verse; obviously she's still Fulcrum), that will happen, because of course the sequel would have to be about her finding her way back to Anakin and Obi-Wan, and also dispatching Darth Barriss, which would fall to her in this universe (while Anakin and Obi-Wan would take out Palpatine). That is a lot of plot for someone like me.

I know a lot of people don't like crossovers, but I love 'em. I love reading them, and I love writing them. I especially like it when people are like, "I did not think this could work but you pulled it off."


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