so keep it up, quench my desire

Nov 01, 2016 11:02

I'm not a huge fan of Halloween for a variety of reasons that have been detailed in this journal before, but holy crap, James Earl Jones reading "The Raven" should become an annual Halloween tradition, because wow! Talk about the perfect marriage of voice and work. How did I not know this existed before now?


Supergirl: Survivors
This episode had a lot of really fun smaller moments - everything with Alex and Maggie, or Winn and Mon-El, or Kara and Lena - and I loved Dichen Lachmen's look as Roulette, but overall it was not as strong as the first three episodes were. I mean, David Harewood does a fantastic job selling J'onn's desperation to connect with M'gann, but I never understood where M'gann was coming from (aside from not wanting some rando in her head, which I totally get even if she weren't a White Martian and therefore had a hand in the genocide of his people), and having J'onn offer a pat psychological profile didn't really work for me. Also, at least YJ let her be sweet and bake cookies and establish a characterization before she turned all dark and murdery. *hands* I guess people unfamiliar with the character were surprised by the White Martian reveal (or annoyed that it wasn't a surprise? But I'm not sure it was supposed to be?), but I'm glad they aren't trying to hide it from the audience despite the characters not knowing yet.

Part of me is sad that we're getting Mon-El instead of Kon-El, and not just because I love Kon*? But because I would never be worried that they were going to make us sit through a Kara/Kon romance, but I fear that is exactly where we're headed with Mon, and I just am not interested. He's fun with Winn, and I bet he'd be amusing with Alex and Maggie, and lordy, I'd love to see what Cat made of him, but if they try to make this a romance I'm just going to resist.

*with Cadmus on the table though, we could get Kon at a later date

I guess there was a CatCo subplot? Idek.

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Forty-Seven
This was a more uneven episode than the show generally puts out, but I enjoyed all of Gina Rodriguez's takes on Cecilia, I laughed at the meta jokes about the CW even though they were groaners, I liked that Rogelio and Dina are artistic soulmates, and I loved Xo's advice to Jane that finally having sex wasn't subtracting anything from Jane's identity, it was expanding it into new dimensions and experiences. I also liked that despite having done other things together, Jane and Michael weren't completely in sync the first time, and that Jane didn't have the best experience, because that rings true to me, and I thought it was handled both sensitively and hilariously (the tingly lube!). The Gloria Estefan cameo was pretty hilarious (I laughed at the fan anyway), and I loved that they used one of my all time favorite songs for the cartoon at the end (Jackie Wilson's "(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher"), but I just don't think I'll ever warm completely to Michael. I really wish they'd do something better for Luisa. And I definitely felt Petra's (or I guess, Anezka's) absence here.

They should change the show's name to Jane! now, but I guess they won't.

In other news, I got my period last night, about five days early, which explains a lot about my sleeping patterns over the past week. Sigh.


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