well, it's been ten years, and a thousand tears

Aug 13, 2016 14:12

Welp, I think I've discovered the unfortunate side effects of the medications I'm on, because I've basically been unable to stray too far from the bathroom since about 9 pm last night, which has put the kibosh on my plans for the day. Blurgh.


Steven Universe: Know Your Fusion

Such a fun meta episode, even if I didn't really understand why Sardonyx would expect Smoky Quartz to have any of the skills of the other fusions, when aside from super strength, none of them have any skills in common, really? Aside from that though, I loved everything about how Garnet and Pearl finally realized they were stealing the spotlight from SQ and how SQ was able to save them when they unfused and the room started to disappear. THEY'RE SO PROUD OF STEVEN AND AMETHYST. IT'S SO CUTE. ♥

I do think they skipped over the part where Jasper got corrupted a little too quickly, but hopefully that'll be addressed soon.


It's interesting to me what makes or breaks a story for me as I'm reading it, and as I search for Star Wars fic that suits my needs, I've discovered that even though he is not technically my favorite and I don't usually search for him first, if Luke's characterization feels in any way off to me, I won't enjoy the story (as much, or sometimes, at all). I'll spend the entire time going, "But Luke wouldn't DO that!"

Stupid Skywalkers and my stupid feelings about them. *shakes tiny ineffectual fist*


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/862855.html.
people have commented there.

tv: steven universe, the skywalker family tragedy, my life so hard

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