i know the borderlines we drew between us

Aug 14, 2016 18:06

This morning, I left the house at 8:30 am to take the train to Islip, where my niece picked up me up and took me to her new apartment that she and her boyfriend share. It is very small and cute - a very nice starter apartment - and they have all their geeky things up on the walls (covering several of the most important geek areas: LotR, HP, SW, and Marvel Comics), and are still in the process of getting things like pasta bowls and bookshelves, so I'm sure they'll use the gift certificate I gave them well. *g*

Then Alyssa and I drove to my sister's house, where my sister and her sisters-in-law and the one niece on that side of the family were meeting us, and we all went to tea in Port Jefferson. It was fabulous. I mean, disgustingly hot out, but the tea shop was nicely cool and the tiny sandwiches and scones and desserts were excellent, and I drank peach ginger iced tea (way too much of it) and they tried on the hats (I held down the fort at the table, as I tried on all the hats last year when we went), and a lovely time was had by all.

Then they dropped me at the Port Jeff LIRR station and ten minutes into the ride I had to pee so bad that I ended up using the rest room on the train, which I have never done before, but I wasn't even going to make it to Huntington, where I had to change trains, let alone all the way into Penn Station (i.e., another 90 minutes on the train). It was moderately terrible? It was on par with the bathroom of a dive bar before it's ankle deep in sewage (and since I have actually had that experience it's possible my views on these things are skewed, but, like, nothing will ever be as bad as that? or the place with the roaches in the paper towel dispenser, i.e., my college bar?), made terrifying because of course you're on a moving train. Luckily there are bars to hang onto to steady yourself, so I managed all right. But ugh, only in the direst emergency, you know?

As an FYI for those of you traveling around and into NYC, the bathrooms in the LIRR waiting area at Penn are usable if you are in need and don't want to spend money in a Starbucks which may or may not have a working bathroom. I find the older I get, the more I want to know where my options are, just in case. *hands*


In more fannish news, I haven't talked about the Rogue One trailer, though I'm excited about the movie. If the original Star Wars was sort of like the ETO of WWII, Rogue One looks like it's taking place in the PTO. I am here for it!

For ~reasons that may never come to fruition, I've also been thinking lately about Obi-Wan/Anakin as a ship and why it does or doesn't work for me and without going into a whole long thing about a ship I don't really ship but also don't not ship (i.e., I see why people do and I can in certain circumstances, and I sometimes feel kind of stroppy about it when people categorically rule it out altogether - it's one of those Mal/Zoe, Sam/Dean things where I think they're always going to be a weirdly package deal even if they're not having sex, so they totally could be and it doesn't usually mean much to me whether they are or not), but what interests me a lot about it is how it makes Obi-Wan explicitly complicit instead of just passively complicit in Anakin's transgressions against the Jedi code. Like, it's clear to the audience, and I think it's clear to various characters other than Anakin (and possibly, except when he's being really honest with himself, Obi-Wan) that Obi-Wan would basically do nearly anything for Anakin and then find ways to justify it to himself afterwards. I mean, he kind of already does it a lot in canon.

And that's just a really interesting knot to tie him up into, you know? I still haven't figured out a way to write in his POV, which is why I said this may never come to fruition, but thinking about it that way makes it more intriguing to me than just partners who are super weird about each other and end up enemies. I mean, I also have a whole lot of other caveats surrounding when it works or doesn't for me, but it's always interesting to me to look at things I don't ship viscerally to see how I would or wouldn't buy them.

(I mean, I do ship Anakin/Ahsoka, which is different for various reasons, though again believable because of how weird and possessive he is of his people and how much faith she has in him, but Ahsoka also ends up in a different place and the power dynamics are different etc., so there it isn't necessarily Ahsoka who feels she's transgressing, the way Obi-Wan almost certainly would, except in terms of Anakin's other attachments/relationships, but I feel like a loving and understanding/willing wife is a lot easier to negotiate with - and believe of Padme - than, you know, the dyed in the wool Jedi having to come to grips with his ...baggage.)

I dunno. I'm trying to work out stuff in various stories I'm writing and thinking about writing, you know?


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people have commented there.

life, darth vader: romantic failboat, movies: star wars, the skywalker family tragedy, otp/shipping

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