before you wreck your old home, be certain of the new

Aug 03, 2016 12:54

I still can't hear out of my left ear, but I'm back at work today. After clearing out over 200 emails from while I was away, I am completely spent. I'm ready to go home. Can I come back tomorrow and start over? Bleh.

Anyway, books:

What I've just finished
Nothing. I read a lot of fanfic, though. Most of it was fun, at least while it lasted. *hands* It's sometimes hard to get my particular (gen) itches scratched, so I end up reading things that are almost, but not quite, right up in my kitchen. They're serviceable but not spectacular, if you know what I mean, so I enjoy them but don't find them memorable or all that emotionally engaging.

What I'm currently reading
Four Roads Cross by Max Gladstone. Back in Alt Coulumb with Tara and Cat et al. I'm enjoying it so far, though I live in hope for at least a cameo from Ms. Kevarian.

What I'm reading next
I can't help myself, so probably Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, though I'm already slotting it into my head as fanfic so I don't get too disappointed.


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books: the craft sequence, memes: what i'm reading wednesday, hp, books

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