we must face the long dark of moria

Aug 02, 2016 15:45

Since I was still unable to hear out of my left ear this morning, I didn't go to work. It finally seems to have eased a little? Still hurts to the touch and gives me random stabs of pain occasionally, but I think it's getting better.

In other news, I namesquatted at Imzy, though I don't understand it at all. I haven't poked around though. I'd like to migrate from tumblr as much as anyone, but I'd like a better platform. I still think nothing's been better than LJ/DW, though obviously fanart and vids etc. are better hosted elsewhere. I guess people are freaking out about the latest tumblr news from Yahoo, but I don't feel any need to back up my tumblr. I'm pretty sure I crossposted the five original things I ever said over there, and the rest is reblogs. Why would I need a backup of that? (People who post their own art or meta without backup elsewhere obviously have more reason to do so, but I just don't find tumblr a good repository for my creative efforts, such as they are.)

I keep meaning to talk about Steven Universe but now I want to wait until after at least tonight's episode.

I also buckled and bought The Cursed Child but I haven't read it yet. #fangirl problems


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/859965.html.
people have commented there.

my life so hard

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