float like a butterfly, sting like a bee

Jun 04, 2016 13:23

RIP Muhammad Ali. You truly were The Greatest.

I can't actually think of another athlete (except Jackie Robinson) who had such a long-lasting impact on both sports and culture. This piece in The Nation is really good.

2016 is taking this whole death of icons thing seriously, isn't it.


Orphan Black: The Redesign of Natural Objects
I may never get "Jesus Christ Superstar" out of my head now. I'm not really a fan. Sigh. I did love that Alison was playing Judas (also, Sarah Stubbs has got some pipes!) while the show kept us in 'suspense' about whether she'd betrayed Alison or not ('suspense' in scare quotes because I couldn't believe she'd actually do it to Sarah (and by extension, the others).

I saw people suggesting that Duko's "not before the question" was him complaining about being shocked before S had asked him anything, but I thought it was him being disdainful of her as a torturer, that he thought she was doing it wrong? But maybe not. He was totally lying about the niece though, right? He thought family was the way to get her to not kill him but that wasn't happening. I do feel like the revenge was not satisfactory for S, though. I got the impression she was expecting more of a catharsis than she got from pulling that trigger. (I also can't help but think of Count Dooku whenever anyone says Duko's name, so my disdain for him is even more deeply felt. You, sir, are no Christopher Lee. Though you are also fighting against clones, which is kind of hilarious.)

Poor Scott had to clean up the blood, though. I guess Cosima made up for her mean lab partner comment of last week by insisting Rachel be sent away when Scott wouldn't work with her. Also, "We're mad scientists. Don't be a hater!" ♥Cosima♥ I am enjoying her getting to have adventures. I hope Delphine's return doesn't ruin everything for her.

Rachel! "Passion helps." I bet it does, Ira. I bet it does. I still don't like Rachel but I do sympathize with her and I am enjoying her tremendously. "perhaps I'll take up carpentry. I'll build us all coffins. I'll start with the smallest first." I *do* think she cares about Charlotte, but she'd leave everyone else twisting in the wind if she could get away with it.

Adele being useful! Donnie in prison greeting everyone like they're at a terrible work retreat and will later have to build a furniture tower or take trust falls together!

So they still don't know about Helena's non-viable embryos, huh? I figured they'd be the eventual mechanism to the cure. Though I guess they'd face the same issues as using Kira or S's DNA - there's still another donor in there.

Regardless, I am excited about the last two episodes of this season. This is one of the few shows that could stand to have 2 or 3 more episodes, but I'm enjoying what we're getting.


I'm meeting L for drinks and dinner later at the bar that replaced the bar that replaced the tapas place that replaced our favorite neighborhood bar two years ago. I don't have high hopes, but I guess we'll see.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/846806.html.
people have commented there.

tv: orphan black

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