i know you're very busy, i know your work's important

Jun 05, 2016 18:16

Tried out the new bar in the neighborhood last night. The waitress was aggressively* friendly but the mozzarella in carrozza was really good, even if they put cilantro in the tomato sauce (and on everything else for some reason; I know, it's terrible, but I'm one of those anti-cilantro people), they have Allagash White on tap, and I got a free shot of tequila (my hand to god, I haven't had a shot of tequila since 1994, when it made me violently ill [I had not been drinking otherwise, so I can't blame it on alcohol in general]; luckily there were no such side effects last night), plus they turned the music down over our table so I could hear, and that was a big plus in my book, because with too much background noise, conversation is impossible.

*When she seated us, L. went into a whole spiel about how the bar before the bar before had been our fave and the waitress was like, "Well, I hope you have a good time and come back!" so it was, you know, customer-service friendly, not real-friendly, but it was still a little much for me personally. I'm always suspicious of people who are super friendly on first meeting, even when it's waitstaff who want good tips, because I have trust issues. I'm aware that this is something I need to work on.

Then I came home (I got soaked in the three block walk because it started to pour) and watched the Mets win (I turned the tv on and DeGrom was pinch hitting!) and then I watched the Sharks win in OT, which was good. At least they won't get swept? that would be sad. Hopefully they've woken up a little and the series will be a little less lopsided going forward.

Today I did some culling of my wardrobe and also the grocery shopping, because I am an adult, even though the latter required putting on pants and going outside. Now I'm going to watch The Force Awakens, I think, and then maybe some more TCW.

Speaking of Star Wars,
selenak linked to this vid about the women of Star Wars: Formerly Known As No One, which builds really powerfully and covers three (possibly four, depending on what you believe about Rey's parentage) generations of Skywalker ladies, plus a few others from the movies at the end. (Sadly, none of the animated ladies made it in, that I noticed, though Ahsoka got name-checked at the end. I guess it's hard to mix animated and live-action sources.)

There's also this interesting piece of meta about how Padme and Palpatine were foils and how the prequels could have done way more with that than they actually did, given how they were from the same planet and their careers were intertwined, yet they were working towards opposite goals via some of the same means. She deserved so much better than what she got in those movies. I am just saying.

And jumping fandoms, via
umadoshi, Safe as Life: A Four-Part Essay on Maggie Stiefvater’s Raven Cycle, a really interesting look at the series.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/846955.html.
people have commented there.

books: raven cycle, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, youtube, movies: star wars

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