Four things make a post:
1. I have been enjoying the terrible reviews of Batman vs. Superman so much. SO MUCH. I know that this movie is going to make bank regardless but if terrible reviews and poor word of mouth means it fails to meet internal box office projections and has a severe dropoff after its opening weekend, I will be pleased, because ugh. I just went back and looked at my post about Man of Steel and god I was SO KIND to it, considering my memory of seeing it basically consists of me going "Wtf?" at the screen for most of the movie and then ranting afterwards about how it didn't understand SUPERMAN AT ALL (L. and I went to Shake Shack and sat outside! I remember it clearly!) and from what I've cobbled together from these reviews it sounds like Batfleck does the best he can with what he's given, but
HE KILLS PEOPLE, SETS THEM UP TO BE KILLED, AND HAS GUNS ON THE BATMOBILE. GUNS. ON THE BATMOBILE. WHAT? Which sounds like they don't understand Batman at all either. Wonder Woman is either shoehorned in or one of the few good things in the film. (I'm choosing to believe the latter.)
Why would you put the MOST ICONIC SUPERHEROES IN EXISTENCE* in the hands of people who don't like (Goyer) or don't understand (snyder) them? WHY?
*Man, I don't care if you're a Marvel fan who hates DC, or if you don't care about superheroes at all, NO ONE is more ICONIC than Batman and Superman. They're just not.
Links to reviews I enjoyed, for them as wants 'em:
AV Club-
Hitfix (even more amazing since the reviewer apparently loved MoS)
Vox 2. Speaking of superheroes, Arrow: Broken Hearts
Holy crap, Oliver's speech to Felicity about how much he loves her made me for real sob. He's grown so much! Both Ollie as a character and Amell as an actor. And I teared up at her speech about love to Cupid as well. That was lovely.
What I don't understand is why the show insists on breaking them up, and in such a ridiculously contrived manner. Why would they do this? It is not interesting. It does not add anything to the show! JUST LET THEM BE TOGETHER AND WORK OUT THEIR ISSUES. I mean, Felicity is not wrong - Oliver is still lying about his time on the island and he's going to backslide, because that's what people do - but I do think expecting him not to make decisions IN THE FIELD without consulting her is a little much. Like, you don't ask your significant other for immediate input at work (unless you work with them), so that was a titch too far for me. It's just such lazy writing, because you know she's not leaving the show, and you know she's not the one who gets killed so WHY? WHY DO THIS? I mean, I won't say it just manufactures drama because that is what writers do? But it manufactures uninteresting, rote drama.
I did love Thea and Diggle here, though, and even though I thought the whole courtroom thing was ridiculous, it gave us some really nice Laurel-Lance moments. Now I'm wondering if Laurel is the one in the grave, though.
3. Star Wars Rebels
This was a pretty strong ensemble episode that I didn't love? It was solid. It did some nice relationship stuff with Ezra and Kanan and Hera and Kanan (though WHY haven't they made it clear that Hera and Kanan are actually a couple? WHY?) and Hera dealing with the idea that Kanan and Ezra are leaving and might not make it back. I also liked the Sabine and Rex team up (I was actually afraid for Rex for a bit, because I don't actually trust them not to have Rex go out in shocking, random fashion), and Sabine's mention of her lack of a jetpack. Otoh, they never did show them rescuing the original pilot who got lost *or* stumbling over a body. Rex was still alive and stored as food, so why didn't they find Dicer(sp?)? It makes them look pretty callous that they'd search for Rex but not random red-shirted A-Wing pilot.
I guess I'm curious about what's going on with Kanan and Ezra though - they were pretty snippy with each other (um, word choice reference unintentional but I'm leaving it now that I've noticed). Is Kanan afraid Ezra's going to go dark side? Is Ezra starting to do things Kanan should worry about? Is his inability to connect with the spiders just that they're not interested in connecting or is he angry and thus unable to make a connection? What was up with that flying creature at the end? That seemed weirdly ominous. I did like his line to Ahsoka that he never thought he understood the Force.
So now is the time when I worry obsessively about Ahsoka being killed by Vader in the season finale. If/when that happens, I refuse to accept it and will come up with AU scenarios as necessary. la la la rain of blood and toads. she's not going to die. la la la I can't hear you.
4. Speaking of Star Wars, last night I dreamt that Anakin was split into Light Side Anakin and Dark Side Anakin, a la that one Star Trek episode, and it took Padme a few minutes to figure it out and then Ahsoka showed up and was like, "WTF?" and Padme was like, "play along until 'real' Anakin shows up" (Padme thought it was a clone) and he did and then I woke up so I don't know what happened. But I would totally read a story where that happened, so if you know of one, drop me a link.
ETA: I remember the fifth thing now! I knew I originally had five but couldn't remember but it was RIP Ken Howard! White Shadow was a pretty formative TV influence for me as a kid, and also he was Jefferson in 1776!
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