everything will turn out all right

Mar 23, 2016 10:30

Tuesday night TV! Never leave me again!

The Flash: Trajectory


Um, I guess there was also an episode? It had some fun bits - Cisco dropping the Evel Knievel knowledge! Harry quoting Kanye! Caitlin and Cisco's terrible dancing! The L&O shout-out while Joe and Caitlin were investigating Eliza! And, as mentioned above, Beyoncé is a senator on Earth-2! - but there was some serious dumbassery happening too. Like, don't even get me started on Iris's new boss thinking her suggesting they get coffee to talk about work was a date. (And then he leaves his coffee behind! I hate when people do that on shows! YOU JUST ORDERED FOOD. DON'T WASTE IT.) Like, how inappropriate is that for a boss? And then for Iris to decide it's okay at the end? DON'T DATE YOUR BOSS IRIS. WHAT THE HELL.

I know there is a lot of Peter Parker in this Barry's (not disintegrating) DNA, but this idea that the Flash isn't BELOVED by his city is just ridiculous. HE'S THE FLASH. COME ON.

Listen, if I got superspeed powers, I probably would just use them to make my commute easier, but if I were going to turn into a criminal, I would at least rob places that would pay off with tons of money, not random clubs or passersby! Though I guess she was doing it more for the thrill than the money? Like, if she was trying to fund her research, maybe becoming a thief would make sense? But then steal shit that's worth something (and is insured) instead of people's wallets. IJS. I don't know, I don't think there was much about Eliza that made sense except I guess Velocity-9 (i.e., steroids) drove her mad.

Also, way to be heavy-handed with the PED/steroids parallel. It's not quite at 'magic is addictive' levels of eye-rolly, but it could have been done with fewer anvils. On the plus side, at least the penny finally dropped for Team Flash and they now know that Jay (or possibly "Jay" if he really is Hunter Zolomon) is Zoom.

I can't be that annoyed by Trajectory disintegrating into the Speed Force or whatever, because it's happened to Wally a couple of times, but I wouldn't have minded keeping a lady speedster around, especially since they literally put Jesse Wells on a bus to Mandyville Opal City which I guess means she's not going to become Jesse Quick any time soon. (How she's going to function in a world where she has no ID, no SSN, no ANYTHING is ...well, I guess we're not supposed to think about that, or we're supposed to think Felicity mocked up a set of papers for her or something. Idek.)

iZombie: He Blinded Me With Science

I like that her first response when attacked by a ravening zombie was to try to help. Now I totally want her to team up with Liv to wreck the shit out of her awful narcissistic dad. That was AMAZING.

Blaine's reversion to team Z and then his responses to that were pretty amazing. Blaine is still a serial killing villain but for real, he's enjoyable to watch.

With him, Mr. Boss, and Vaughn Du Clark, this show really does have some amazing villains.

Also, Major takes out Drake, and Liv thinks she's being stood up. So will she track Drake to Major's freezer? Between that and Clive and Bozzio learning that the brains were human all along, I love the way this show is drawing all the plot threads together for the final stretch of the season. And it was renewed for season 3!

I feel like not enough people are watching iZombie, but it is a highly enjoyable show. I think it and Jane the Virgin (another show I wish more people would watch) are my two favorite things on TV right now.


Wednesday book meme:

What I've just finished
Beauty Queens by Libba Bray, which I enjoyed a lot but think it was trying to do two different things, which weakened it overall. I loved all the parts with the girls, but thought the satirical interludes were too much. The footnotes were enough. (Though I kind of want The Corporation to have formerly been Fat Boy Industries so there could be a Middleman crossover. Someone should write that for me.)

Empress of Storms by Nicola M. Cameron, which it turns out is a fantasy romance novel? Or possibly erotica? So not so much for me, because I didn't really care about the couple, since there wasn't really a romance, per se (or, rather, any possible doubt that they would fall in love was erased like fifteen pages into the book so there was no pining or yearning or UST buildup, which is the part I really like about romance novels), so I ended up skimming the sex. If I want to read porn, I'll read fanfic. *hands* I also found the worldbuilding really distracting. Like, why use all these real world French place names if there is going to be nothing French about any of it? At least the faux Greece had some Greek-like stuff in it, so it was slightly less distracting, but I don't get the choice at all to use those kinds of real world trappings. I found them very jarring.

What I'm reading now
Sassafrass, Cypress and Indigo by Ntozake Shange, which is interesting so far.

What I'm reading next
Possibly that reread of the three currently published Raven Cycle books that I mentioned last week.


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memes: what i'm reading wednesday, tv: the flash, books, tv: izombie

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