but tomorrow may rain so i'll follow the sun

Mar 25, 2016 11:40

Another coworker and I shared an amused look last night while leaving the office when a third coworker, upon discovering that we were both off today, wished us a Happy Good Friday.

I mean, I don't know what religious practices all y'all get up to, but even when I was a practicing Catholic, there was nothing happy about Good Friday except that since I went to Catholic school, I usually had it off (hence why I tend to take it and Easter Monday off; I never got over the fact that there's no extra days off for Easter in the 'real world'). Iirc, the service featured the stations of the cross, one of the longer variations of the Passion being read, and then the veneration of the cross, which as a kid I found horrifying and unsanitary (the congregation lines up to kiss the feet of a particular crucifix laid out for the purpose; they don't even wipe it off in between like the chalices of wine during communion! tbh, I still find it kind of horrifying and unsanitary). Also, and I have had this argument with people before, but I still think I'm correct, but since there is no Mass on Good Friday, there's no communion on Good Friday either (with obvious exceptions for the sick/dying/last rites etc.). (Or possibly it's just that there's no consecration on Good Friday? But I don't recall receiving communion during the service, since it's not a Mass, but I also haven't gone in years and years.) Also, they do something with the tabernacle - it's open or empty? to show that the Presence isn't, um, present? (The hosts are moved to a separate place and not put back until the Easter Vigil, iirc.)

You can tell those 16 years of Catholic school did me a world of good. Like a good lapsed Catholic (it's strictly weddings and funerals now for me, not even Easter and Christmas or Ashes and Palms), I will probably finish my Daredevil marathon today. I think Matt would understand. *snerk*


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/828671.html.
people have commented there.


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