"they can meet me 60 feet, 6 inches away. I've got no problem with that."

Oct 31, 2015 11:00

A Halloween grab bag:

1. Today would have been my mother's 80th birthday. I miss her. but!

2. She'd have been excited about the Mets in the World Series, and especially about David Wright (aka, Captain America) having a 4 RBI night, and Noah Syndergaard bringing the hammer down and then basically inviting the Royals to come at him, bro:
"I certainly wasn't trying to hit the guy, that’s for sure," he said. "I just didn't want him getting too comfortable. If they have a problem with me throwing inside, then they can meet me 60 feet, six inches away. I've got no problem with that." (source)
NEW YORK - In the afterglow of a World Series debut in which he threw a 98-mph fastball in the general vicinity of the leadoff hitter's head, won the game and capped that victory by threatening to kick his opponents' asses, Noah Syndergaard, the New York Mets starter with the last name of a Viking, the nickname of a comic-book superhero and the disposition of a man with no damns left to give, sneered at the fauxtrage burbling around him.

Syndergaard is 23 years old, a 6-foot-6, 240-pound Texan, stubborn as a steer. So, yeah, he said. He did throw that fastball over the dome of Alcides Escobar, the Kansas City Royals' leadoff hitter with a propensity to whack at first-pitch fastballs. He did it because the idea of Escobar standing comfortably in the batter's box, dead red on that pitch, bothered him. (source)
The Series is on now. I have to laugh at how prior to the start of the series, the Royals were all chirping about how they were going to pitch Murphy inside to make him uncomfortable, but when the shoe's on the other foot, suddenly it's "weak" and "unprofessional" and "unsportsmanlike." (Also, that pitch was not going to hit Escobar.) It was nice to hear Syndergaard own up to it, and own up to it being premeditated, even, unlike so many in the past who've claimed the ball "slipped" or "just got away from [them]." Tonight should be fun! They can tie it up, with local kid Steven Matz on the mound. Let's go Mets!

2a. I have given up on the Fox announcers - they made me want to claw my ears off - so I've been streaming the game on ESPN Radio and keeping the tv on mute, even though the radio is about 30-45 seconds behind the tv broadcast.

3. That dual media setup allowed me to watch the Rangers while listening to the Mets, and Mats Zuccarello had a hat trick last night! Woo!

4. In other sports news, I'm sad about Grantland closing down. As you could maybe tell by how often I linked to them, I enjoyed the site a lot.

5. Turning to media fandom, last night I posted quick and dirty photosets of how I'd cast the all-ladies-all-the-time Ocean's Eleven (if it's a true reboot and not just a related universe story): Part 1, Part 2.

6. Carrie Fisher interviews Daisy Ridley: FISHER: Listen! I am not a sex symbol, so that's an opinion of someone. I don't share that.

RIDLEY: I don't think that's the right-

FISHER: Word for it? Well, you should fight for your outfit. Don't be a slave like I was.

RIDLEY: All right, I'll fight.

FISHER: You keep fighting against that slave outfit.

RIDLEY: I will.

7. I panicked a little when I saw my Yuletide assignment last night. I was like, "DID I NOT DELETE THAT OFFER? MISTAKES HAVE BEEN MADE." but when I calmed down, I found that the prompts were plentiful and inspirational, and I talked to
innie_darling and
snacky about it, and now I think I know what I'm going to do. I hope I can do justice to it! *crosses fingers*


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people have commented there.

sports, valhalla i am coming, yuletide, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, links, movies: star wars, movies, awesome ladies, writing is hard!

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