she's the ashes of the people that you really meant to be

Jun 05, 2015 09:47

Ugh, it should not be 53°F during the day in June in NYC. That is just wrong. On the plus side, I'm saving by not having to use the AC at night to sleep. I'm still annoyed that I'm not getting to wear all my cute dresses because it's too chilly both outside and in the office.


As seen everywhere, most recently at
kaydeefalls: Pull seven lines from the seventh page of your WIP, then you're supposed to tag seven other writers.

I only have one wip that's at least 7 pages long (I have one that's 6, so it's close but no cigar) so yet again I will quote from the DCU/MCU crossover:

"Why weren't you at this event? I thought they were giving you an award for something."

"Like most people who aren't clinically insane, I try to avoid Gotham," Stark says.

"Batman doesn't like him," Jason says at the same time. They turn to look at him and he shrugs. "Of course, he doesn't like me much either, so it's not a real exclusive club."

"You think I care what that nutjob thinks of me?" Stark asks.

"Yeah," Jason answers. "I think you do." His hands curl into fists and he forces them to unclench. "I recognize the symptoms."

Oh, Jason. One day I may actually finish this story. Actually, I might try to finish it for my birthday this year. That gives me...five weeks? Ahahahaha. Not likely, but I suppose anything could happen. First I have to write my remix. I at least have a title and an idea? I mean, I picked the story immediately. It was the clear choice. But writing it...that's a whole other thing. Sigh. At least it's Friday. Most of my writing is done on the weekend now. I'm too tired or distracted at night after work, and work has been busy lately. I need to get back into better writing habits, but it's just so hard and feels so pointless.

Meh. Whatever. At least I have a bunch of ideas I want to take out for a spin if I ever manage to sit down and start.


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