I fell asleep, and watched TV

Jun 04, 2015 14:44

Thankfully, the internet and cable were back on last night when I got home from work, and I was able to stream this week's episode of iZombie.

HOLY CRAP. EVERYTHING HAPPENED SO MUCH. I really love the way all the plot threads are coming together here - Major and Max Rager and the cure and now Peyton and wow, I felt SO BAD for Liv there. I've been impressed with how they've handled Major - what an excellent deconstruction of the out-of-the-loop love interest - but now I'm really impressed with how they made me upset about Liv and Peyton's friendship, where previously I'd been like, 'Why is Peyton even on the show?' Now I'm like, "Oh, man, poor Liv! And I hope Peyton didn't get bit/scratched!" And she stood up Ravi in his Jimmy Stewart cosplay. Oh, Ravi. He is the best no lie. I love how supportive he is of Liv. And also, "Be aggressive. B.E. aggressive." Hee!

Plus, Sin from Arrow being genre-savvy enough to go to the police! (But then sadly not genre-savvy enough not to believe that that text came from Cameron.)

Man, I hope Babineaux doesn't get Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease from eating that bit of brain. PRIONS!

also, do we think Major let himself get caught? Is he going to use that grenade? (I'm guessing his little smile and eyebrow quirk meant he took it.)


And since I was behind on internetting due to technical difficulties, have a couple of links that you've probably seen already, but which are still squee-worthy for me:

Sebastian Stan on the set for Cap 3 (I think?) - that is totally Bucky's first selfie, when he's still not sure why the fuck he'd want the camera facing him, and what the fuck he's supposed to do now.

And here's Chris and Scott Evans singing "Fire and Rain". Someone cast these men in a musical, stat!


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/753482.html.
people have commented there.

links, this is captain america calling, tv: elementary, chris evans' undeniable attractions, tv: izombie

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