There are formulas, remedies, reasons, there is hindsight

May 30, 2015 18:27

Confession time: of all the housekeeping chores I loathe (and I loathe 98% of them - I like cooking, don't mind washing dishes or doing laundry [as long as I don't have to fold it or put it away]), the one that seems most pointless to me is making the bed. I never make my bed. Even when I put clean sheets on, I can't be bothered to do more than make sure the fitted sheet is fitted, but unfortunately these days, that's harder than ever, because half the time I can't fucking tell which is the long end and which is the short end because it's elasticized all the way around. I think I'm going to have to take
angelgazing's advice and in future only buy sheets that are striped the long way so I can tell which way they're supposed to go on the bed. It should not be so hard! And yet, it is. Bah.

I did not have enough beer last night to soothe away the sting of the Rangers' loss. It wasn't so much the loss as it was their lackluster performance that I was way too sober to accept. Poor Hank. He deserves so much better.

I got my period this morning so I guess that explains why I couldn't sleep last night either. It wasn't just the heat. (I've held out against turning the AC on all month even though it's been way too hot to sleep comfortably for a couple weeks now.) Sigh. My life, so hard.

In other news, have a recs update:

unfitforsociety has been updated for May 2015 with 33 recs in 5 fandoms:

* 22 Avengers (including 1 Daredevil)
* 5 Raven Cycle
* 2 Mad Max: Fury Road
* 3 Crossovers and 1 Rivers of London

Also, I put up all those tumblr prompt ficlets here on AO3. If I write any more comment fic or tumblr ask box stories, I'll put them there as well. The hardest part was coming up with titles for such bite-sized pieces of fic. *hands*


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my life so hard, recs updates

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