well take it, it's my gift

May 29, 2015 11:33

Please tell me not to go down the rabbit hole of reading about the FIFA investigation (I only have three tabs open! I can stop before I get started!). There are so many things about it that are just mind-boggling. I mean, American sports are not bastions of purity - the NFL is pretty despicable, and I say that as a huge (American) football fan - but holy crap, at least they're answerable to Congress (who are also mostly despicable but still have some legal authority over the governing bodies of sports leagues). Though I can't tell if not caring about soccer makes the schadenfreude of watching this happen greater or lesser.

Oh well, I have Game 7 to worry about tonight. I think I will begin drinking early, just in case. And then I have a weekend to either be elated or depressed about the outcome. I keep telling myself I've divested and am no longer emotionally involved, but I'm probably going to cry like a hungry baby if they lose. I just want Lundqvist to get a Cup and get the recognition he deserves! I don't want him to be Ewing or Marino or Mattingly. (Or, I guess more fittingly, Giacomin. Sigh.) And his window is closing. Ugh. They just need to not take stupid penalties or make stupid turnovers and they need to play smart defense in their own zone. I know they're capable of all of that. They just haven't put it all together for a full 60 minutes yet in this series.

Sigh. Sports are the worst.


iZombie: Astroburger

While I wondered why Cliff Johnny Frost was hanging out with Liv so much, I figured he wanted to smoke up with a cute zombie, not that the Scott E. BRAINS were kicking in. I knew the 63F/17C was going to turn out to be the password, but I just thought Cliff Johnny Frost was speaking in code! But really, none of it makes sense - not him showing up at the morgue (why would the body need to be identified when he died in a hospital?), not him doing a stake out or a little light B&E with Liv, none of it.

And then MAJOR. Oh my gosh. I thought that was a surprisingly anticlimactic reveal, considering how much gaslighting went on. I mean, HE CHECKED HIMSELF INTO A MENTAL HOSPITAL BECAUSE OF HER LIES. That is not something you just GET OVER. AND THEN IT WAS ALL IN LIV'S HEAD! AND MAJOR WANTS TO GO OUT AND KILLINATE SOME ZOMBIES. Though really she needs to tell him NOW. Before he sees her chowing down on brains in that video, before he puts together "zombies at Lake Washington" with "Liv changed drastically after Lake Washington."

I'm interested in when it gets revealed to Babineaux - I'm guessing it will come via the Lieutenant not Liv - but that'll be a lot less emotional for Liv. (I have to say, I do really like how the show just had him roll with her being "psychic" instead of having him fight it for five episodes. The reveal should probably change that. Unless he just goes, "psychic zombie? as long as we're still clearing cases, I'm okay." Which would be fun, too.)

Ravi is the best! I think it's too soon for a cure, so he'll probably have to spend some time making it work on humans instead of rats? I don't know. But the CDC is going to be kicking themselves for letting him go when he finally cures zombieism and wins a Nobel Prize.


Ugh, work. At least we get out at 2:30 today


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