Could you not say you believed me?

May 28, 2015 12:20

My work caller ID just lit up with the name Naz,Gul. As if that comma would fool me. I did not answer it. I see you there, ringwraith. There are no Bagginses here!

(Listen, I need some comic relief from whiny board members.)


I'm wearing one of the dresses I bought from eShakti (the one I refer to as "the nun dress" because it's a navy blue a-line dress with a scoop neck that is white), and I finally discovered the "bra strap keeps" the catalogue copy mentions! Little bands with snaps on the inside of the shoulder that you can snap around your bra straps! Ingenious! And the dress is real cute too. *g* Sadly, the office is freezing.


Last night, I hoped to watch this week's iZombie, because I watched the Rangers game on Tuesday (*meep*) but it was preempted by the damn Yankees and is only on HuluPlus, not Hulu. So I'll wait until tonight when it airs. Sigh. Stupid Yankees.


I kind of completely spaced out on the fact that yesterday was Wednesday - having Monday off confuses me sometimes - so I will do my Wednesday reading post today:

What I've just finished
I did a reread of The Raven Cycle, but I'm kind of in a constant reread of those books because there's not enough fic to satisfy me (at least, not enough of what I want, which is more things that are just like the books except maybe with more (non-lethal) kissing, but also ALL the Blue+Ronan brotp shenanigans).

Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal, which is the first of a series set in an AU Regency where magic ("glamour") is a thing. It's a great concept and the book is...okay? I mostly enjoyed it though the pacing is really odd (nothing happens forever and then the last thirty pages are full of everything happening so much) and the romance's both super obvious and yet almost absent completely from the text until there's a lot of telling about it. *hands* I will probably read the other books but I wasn't in any rush to do so right after reading this one.

Also, I don't know if it's a function of having it as a epub instead of a Kindle book, or that's just the way the book is (was it originally self-published?) but the formatting was kind of awful in terms of dialogue: "There'd be talking here," said Jane, and then there'd be text here, maybe describing how she felt about what she was saying or the other person's response, and then "there'd be more dialogue here in response, not in continuation," without any paragraph indicating a new speaker (and it was in fact a new speaker), which made it a little confusing sometimes.


I think that kind of thing can be useful to indicate people finishing each other's sentences or whatever, but this wasn't so much that as it was...bad formatting? I don't even know.

Anyway! Onward.

What I'm reading now
I started A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan, which I'm enjoying a lot (though I really need to stop mapping the fantasy world to our world, even though it's pretty explicit in places, i.e., Scirland is England) - it reminds me of Amelia Peabody but with dragons - but then The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen came through from NYPL, so I started that this morning, and the writing is pretty fantastic. I started it right away because I was afraid it might be too dense to read quickly/easily in the time allotted, but it's a fast compelling read so far, about a Vietnamese man on a general's staff of the SVA (ARVN? Which is the correct term to use?) who is secretly a spy for the communists, and it begins with the fall of Saigon. I'm only about 10% in but I'm really liking it so far, though I'm sure it's going to break my heart. (I've already kind of got Code Name: Verity feels from how it's framed.)

What I'm reading next
Unless something else comes from the library (always a possibility!), I'll go back to A Natural History of Dragons, and if I like it enough overall, I'll probably read the rest of that series. I also have The Lie Tree by Frances Hardinge, but since I just read Gullstruck Island a couple weeks ago, I'm saving that for later. I don't want to run out of Hardinge to read! (I still need to read Cuckoo Song too.)


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memes: what i'm reading wednesday, books, work, my life so hard, shopping

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