even what was beyond us we recast in our image

Apr 15, 2015 11:30

Okay, first off, was that superhero cage fighting club video that appeared in the middle of iZombie real? Like, that is an actual thing that actually happened - with the actors, the network, everything? What a world we live in...

The Flash: All Star Team Up
Bees. My god.

(Though given that I mostly picture Grant Gustin as Gansey, I was all, OMG NOT BEES. And the fact that every other commercial was for some kind of new fancy epi-pen made me laugh. Whoever did the ad placement on this episode, four for you.)

I am all for Bee Chick being Felicity's nemesis. Then they could make out! And team up with Poison Ivy! Anything would be better than Ray. I do not dig Felicity excusing all his early creepy behavior. I did like "Is it a bird?" "Is it a plane?" before it landed with a thud, "it's my boyfriend." Ugh. Ray cannot be spun off to his own show quickly enough for me, where hopefully there will be no stalkery creepiness involved in his relationships with people who work for him or people who date him.

I still mourn for the Barry/Felicity AWESOMENESS that could have been. *sadhair*

So does Cisco's recollections of the other timeline mean this timeline isn't stable? Or is it part of his Vibe powers coming into effect?

I can't even with the grossness of Joe's line to Eddie that his vote counts more than Eddie's until they're married. It combined with the sheer gross dumbassery of keeping Flash's identity secret from Iris really tarnishes my love for Joe West and for the show. Why is the writing for Iris SO BAD? WHY NOT JUST TELL HER? WHY GO THROUGH THIS TERRIBLE BULLSHIT? CAN'T THEY SEE HOW AWFUL IT IS? I DON'T UNDERSTAND. It's like everything clever and smart and cute about the show goes out the window when it comes to Iris's characterization and the way the others are treating her. It's so sexist and awful and I hate it. Maybe Candice Patton can get cast on The 100, where they know how to write lady characters.

iZombie: Flight of the Living Dead
I didn't realize the dude from Merlin was going to be on - I never watched that show, and always thought he was sort of generically handsome in pictures, but give him dark hair and WOW. SO ATTRACTIVE. LOOK AT THOSE CHEEKBONES. OH MY. Ahem.

YOU DON'T KNOW DICK...Casablancas. Or Carson McCallum or whatever his name was here. When I saw Ryan Hansen's name in the credits I was like, "WOO! FUNTIMES AHEAD." And he did not disappoint.

Wow, so Max Rager also turns people into zombies? And not trout zombies, either!!!! Please tell me I'm not the only one who went to the Middleman place there? (Oh, man, could we get Natalie Morales on this show? I would love that.) So it looks like that's the same thing as the Utopium Blaine sells, and the zombie thing goes way beyond his little business. Especially with the homicide lieutenant revealed as a zombie. IT'S ZOMBIES ALL THE WAY DOWN.

as much as I didn't like Jerome showing up only to be a plot device (or, rather, for his shoes to be a plot device), I do like that it ties Major more closely into the mystery, because having him just be the square-jawed guy Liv pines for was boring. I honestly thought that when they brought that body bag into the morgue at the end, after Liv and Lowell had their cute moment, that she was going to unzip it and it was going to be Major. (or I guess that he would unzip it himself and ALSO be a zombie, but that possibility didn't occur to me until later.) Which would have been brilliant and shocking.

Someone in the AV Club comments said that if Major = Duncan and Blaine = Logan (true on both counts) does Lowell = Piz? (I mean, the name gives it away no?) Except I would be much happier for Liv to be with Lowell than anyone except Ravi. WHY IS RAVI NOT HER BOYFRIEND? THEY ARE SO ADORABLE TOGETHER. I might need to write Liv/Ravi fake dating. (I know, I know, he's her boss, but he knows she's a zombie! he wants to help! come on, they're so cute! I could watch them banter all day!)


Wednesday reading meme:

What I've just finished
The Just City by Jo Walton, which is an interesting philosophical exercise but not much of an emotionally involving novel. *hands* Also, it's super repetitive.

The Rebirths of Tao by Wesley Chu, which ties up the story of Roen Tan and his family. It's kind of a mess plot-wise - things just keep happening, and Roen et al. just keep reacting - but it leaves the characters in a hopeful place and I enjoyed spending more time with them.

What I'm reading now
Annihilation: Book 1 of the Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer, and it is BORING. SO BORING OMG. It's really short, and I'm about 30 pages from the end, and I only started it yesterday, so whatever, but unless the last 30 pages suddenly gets interesting and exciting, I will not be reading the rest of the trilogy, because did I mention BORING? Completely flat characters I don't care about at all, and I get that some of the distance is intentional, but I just don't care. Also so wordy. So many repetitive descriptions of landscape that are probably supposed to be clues but I JUST DON'T CARE. Ahem.

What I'm reading next
I do not know!


Today's poem:

by Lisel Mueller

What happened is, we grew lonely
living among the things,
so we gave the clock a face,
the chair a back,
the table four stout legs
which will never suffer fatigue.

We fitted our shoes with tongues
as smooth as our own
and hung tongues inside bells
so we could listen
to their emotional language,

and because we loved graceful profiles
the pitcher received a lip,
the bottle a long, slender neck.

Even what was beyond us
was recast in our image;
we gave the country a heart,
the storm an eye,
the cave a mouth
so we could pass into safety.


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people have commented there.

memes: what i'm reading wednesday, national poetry month 2015, tv: the flash, poetry, books, tv: izombie

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