and you had no idea you were even alive

Apr 14, 2015 12:12

Grantland on Daredevil. Like me, he thinks it's well done but not mindblowing. I still have only seen the first two episodes, but I already feel like there is a lot to say about how how the show is received/perceived because it carries so many earmarks of 'prestige cable drama,' not least of which is a grimdark palette and a broody male hero with daddy issues, two items I'd call a moratorium on if I were in charge.

(On the slimmest of tangents - I love that Matt Harvey's nickname, bestowed by Sports Illustrated, no less, is the Dark Knight. Hopefully he's the hero Gotham needs, as well as the hero Mets fans deserve. He's pitching today, his first start at home since 2013. And as I said on tumblr, I also love that Grantland has an 'it's okay to love matt harvey' tag.)

I was in bed by 9 last night, so no JtV for me, probably until tomorrow. With the addition of iZombie and The 100, I think I only now watch three shows not on the CW: TGW, B99, and Elementary. How did that even happen? (I'm not counting either Agent Carter or Sleepy Hollow since they're done for now, and I'm not counting Daredevil since I can marathon it at any time.)


Today's poem:

Love poem
by Laura Kasischke

The water glass. The rain. The scale
waiting for the weight. The car.
The key. The rag. The dust. Once
I was a much younger woman
in a hallway, and I saw you:
I said to myself
Here he comes.
My future's husband.
And even before that. I was the pink
throbbing of the swim bladder
inside a fish in the River Styx. I was
the needle's eye. I was the air
around the wing of a fly, and you
had no idea you were even alive.


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national poetry month 2015, poetry, tv: daredevil, the futility of being a mets fan, it's okay to love matt harvey

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