this is not about loneliness

Apr 16, 2015 11:30

This morning there was no ice in the ice machine in the pantry (I had to go downstairs to the lunchroom to get ice), then I spilled hot water on my hands (one at a time) while making my morning iced tea (so yes, the water was hot enough to make a cup of tea), and then, in a water-related incident that had nothing to do with me, a pipe sprang a leak in my corner of the office and there was a flood. Luckily the building people were on it ASAP and the water stopped two cubes away from mine (also, I guess the carpet is very absorbent? which means it's going to reek tomorrow), but my typing right now is accompanied by the loud hum of a wet vac trying to clean up all the water. Did I offend some water deity? Is Namor upset I never include him in my stories? I don't even know.

Meanwhile, I am anxious and excited about the start of the playoffs tonight. LET'S GO RANGERS. It really makes me even more anxious when I see so many people picking the Rangers to go all the way (though I'd like to see the Rangers take round 1 in five games, it'll probably go 6 and I don't even want to think about it going to 7; I can't think beyond that), so then I look at Puck Daddy, where they hate the Rangers, and I feel better, since most of them are picking, like, the Lightning to win the Cup. Maybe it can be like a reverse Nobody Believes in Us? Otoh, my brother was like, sometimes being the favorite means you really are better and you really do win (e.g., 1986 Mets). I don't even know. Since the other teams I was passively rooting for lost last night (maybe it's me? sorry?), I've decided not to split my attention - it's too nerve-wracking.

In between channel hopping to watch hockey and the Mets, I watched Arrow: Broken Arrow. I know, extra-textually, why Roy is still alive - he's Roy Harper, etc. [if that Titans show is still happening, maybe he could was up there?] - but uh, why is Roy still alive? It's a much stronger story if he's not, though I guess the theme - as repeatedly stated (oh god show stop doing this) was "Oliver learns to let others help him" (I kinda thought that was what the whole show was about?), not "Oliver gets everybody killed." *hands*

I did think Oliver was great in this episode - I loved all his expressions/responses, and my heart clenched for him repeatedly. Oh Ollie. You do try.

Maybe this is where Roy will end up finding Cheshire? (I'd really like to see Artemis is this world, tbh. I loved her on YJ.)

Though I had a moment of OH FUCK NO I AM NO LONGER WATCHING THIS SHOW when I thought Ra's had killed Thea. Like, no way does Roy get to live while Thea dies. That's a dealbreaker for me, especially after Shado, Moira, and Sara.

But it's Thea who has to be put into the pit, and no doubt she'll come back a little off (though in the comics, iirc, none of the women - that I know of anyway, which is a small sample size - who get dipped go nuts; that's only the men. Or Ra's and Jason. Or possibly just Jason. It's hard to tell. ♥JASON♥

I still want Thea to be Speedy for real and hopefully this will get her there.

I liked that Ray asked about Barry's secret black box prison (dear Arrow/Flash writers: lampshading the two major issues with your show - Iris's ignorance and the aforementioned black box prison - does not make them go away or appear funny. It's just infuriating. no love, me.) though not that Cisco had no answer. Arrgh! I guess I'm supposed to be distracted by the fact that cutrate Scott Summers (percussive not laser, I know! shut up!) wasn't from Central City and thus wasn't mutated by the particle accelerator explosion?

I think this ep hit some good emotional beats with Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity - and man, I miss the three of them together without all this extraneous stuff - and the end of the Arrow Cave, and I am intrigued by Amanda Waller actually being a captive (if that was legit? with her, you never know), but I'll be so glad when Ray is gone to his own show. I enjoyed Ollie using him as a weapon, but otherwise, meh. Maybe that's where Roy will go, to give Ray some street smarts (...not that Roy has ever been particularly smart, but I did like his fight scene in the prison; if he had died, that would have been a nice send-off).

I'm really interested to see how they get out of this one, to be honest.


Today's poem:

I've Been Lying

I have no siblings.
Meteors are not dangerous.
I love to gamble.
I eat only meat.
This week, Wednesday will not follow sleeplessness.
There is no reason to go back.
I am colorblind.
Umbrellas work in wind.
I have a collection of birds.
What happened to us in childhood was not wrong.
I can't remember where this scar came from.
I can see underwater.
There is no comparison.
This is not about loneliness.
I have never been drunk.
I believe I will die old.
I believe I will die old with you.

~Karen Schubert


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sports, national poetry month 2015, poetry, tv: arrow, henrik lundqvist: goalie boyfriend, my life so hard

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