god bless the child who's got his own

Oct 30, 2014 11:46

I'm probably not supposed to admit that I tailored my yuletide signup to aim for one or two specific requests I saw on the letters spreadsheet, but I did, and then I didn't get assigned either of them. Of course. I guess I'll be writing treats again this year for those requests!

All of which is to say that I like my assignment, even if it wasn't what I was gearing up to write based on looking at letters. And I think I know what the story is going to be about, and it's going to be pretty obviously me, but the thing about yuletide is that it's so huge it's unlikely anyone will actually read it and figure it out. *g*


Arrow: The Magician
NYSSA! ♥♥♥♥♥ She was SO AWESOME here. They should do a spinoff with her and Detective Captain Lance. I would watch that every week. Also, I never thought I'd be so attached to him. That phone call to Sara was heartbreaking. Laurel, you have to tell him! Also, "The way to a cop's heart is through his liver." The other spinoff/crossover I want is Joe West and Quentin Lance, Grumpy Dad Detectives. They could meet up with Keith Mars and Spy!Daddy occasionally for Awesome Law Enforcement Dad Conferences. Coach Taylor can attend even though he is not a cop, because he is also an awesome TV dad.

Anyway! I was saying to vonniek that I think that Oliver's dumbassery in declaring Malcolm under his protection (I have no problem with Oliver not wanting to kill his sister's father, not wanting to break his vow, and also not wanting to retroactively lie to Tommy when he said he hadn't killed his father, despite Malcolm definitely needing some killing) and thus setting up a cold war between him and the League, is narratively mandated: if Oliver is on the road to becoming a hero rather than a vigilante, then this is a step he has to take (in the DC Comics universe, anyway). Because heroes don't kill and they don't condone killing by other people (who aren't law enforcement), and so Oliver has to take this step (though he's also a dumbass for not being like, "Well, I'm going to lock you up on Lian Yu anyway and maybe you and Slade can battle it out." Oh hey, spinoff #3 - Merlyn & Slade: Mercs for Hire! Though possibly he didn't want to turn Merlyn over to Waller, because that would just be adding gasoline to a fire. [unless the Lian Yu prison isn't ARGUS? I can't remember atm...] Otoh, I don't see them getting on real well, so maybe they'd end up killing each other and Oliver would have fewer things to worry about.)

I thought Nyssa also brought out good things in Laurel, this week, and as long as Laurel isn't immediately on Team Arrow, but still involved, I think this could work? I feel like she throws off the team dynamic too much and I also don't want the Ollie and Laurel show, so her training with Ted Grant and proving herself on her own is the best way to go. Also the power comes from the hips. Yes.

I laughed at Roy parkouring uselessly at the ninja assassin. Oh Roy. You tried. I also laughed at Roy, Oliver, and Nyssa in their costumes and Diggle in a leather jacket. At least put on a ski mask, Digg!

I'm so sad that Oliver still hasn't told Thea that he's the Arrow. Everyone else knows, so it's doubly frustrating. Because when she finds out, it's only going to make things worse. Even though she's now the one keeping huge secrets and lying about everything. All those interrupting calls from backers and designers etc.? I am pretty sure they were all just Malcolm checking in on her. I'm sure he's also funding Verdant so she has something to occupy her that she likes and is good at. He's trying to be a good dad? In his own weird supervillainish way? More so than he was to Tommy, I think.

I do miss Moira a lot, and also Walter. Otoh, I think it was good that this was the episode where Felicity was with Barry - it was already crowded, so while I missed her, I didn't think there was a place she'd fit, even if I did want to see her and Nyssa interact.

lastly, I was sadly unimpressed with their casting for Ra's. Come on, guys! He's the Demon! (Also, there's going to be an episode titled "The Demon and the Magician" at some point this season, right? There almost has to be!) Hopefully he'll be better once we see more of him?

I also wonder if he didn't kill Sara after all, and it was someone from ARGUS instead. Also also, the Hong Kong flashbacks are whatever, but when do we get to meet Tatsu in the present day? I wanna see some Katana up in Starling!


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people have commented there.

tv: arrow, yuletide

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