you're much too much, too much, too much for one

Jul 09, 2014 10:34

Links and books:

= all y'all already know about JKR's little foray back into Potterdom, right? I thought it was cute. Part of me lives for and dreads in equal measure anything she might put out now about the MWPP era. Just let me have my Remus/Sirius in peace, lady. I don't need any more canon to remove the possibility of my OTP.

= Current co-worker R. (as opposed to former co-worker R, with whom I sometimes go to the movies) read this piece on easy cold-brew iced coffee on Boing Boing and decided to try it, and since she knows I am also an iced coffee drinker (suffering the terrible coffee from the newsstand downstairs since I gave up having Starbucks on the regular because money), she included me in her experiment, and it really does work! I mean, I knew the cold-brewing part would be fine, and the coffee tastes good, but the no-mess part! Because you just dump the grounds into the garbage and there's no scraping them out with a spoon like from the French press, and then you rinse out the sack (hehehehe she said nut sack) and let it dry and you're ready for the next go round. So I ordered one for myself at home.

= The Museum of the Moving Image is having an exhibition on the animation of Chuck Jones starting next week. I might have to check that out.

= What I'm reading Wednesday:

What I just finished

The Serpent on the Crown and The Tomb of the Golden Bird, the last two Amelia Peabody books. Aw, Emersons. The part at the end where Emerson asks Peabody if she wants to start sailing on the Amelia again, and quotes Tennyson at her just gets me. *sniffle*

What I'm reading now

Now it's back to The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War by Andrew Roberts. The Germans have just made the epic mistake of invading Russia. That does not end well for them.

What I'm reading next

Don't know. Maybe back to fiction I haven't read before! Anything could happen!


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