brooklyn, we go hard

Jun 12, 2014 11:05

Ugh, so writing has actually been happening, but the story I'm writing is not actually the story I thought I was writing. I don't know what story it is? But it's not the one I made notes for and thought I understood. Why is writing so hard? Also, I think I might have to change the title. I hate that! I get attached to the working title and it's hard to change once it's been there for a while. (sometimes in my head the new title never meshes; otoh, sometimes the new title makes me forget there ever was an old title) (Also, I just work better when I have a title either to start with or early on in the process.) Maybe I will just call it Working Title. Or Work in Progress. Bah. (I actually did once title something "untitled #27" so anything could happen.)

I've also been poking at the MCU/DCU crossover and plotting is hard. And I'm doing it from the easy end (i.e., the more knowledgeable POV, at least as far as plot things are concerned)! I just want to get to the good parts: the Steve/Bucky reunion, the Talia-Natasha showdown, the part where Steve scolds Bruce for not hugging Jason when he got him back - by laying it out like that, I make it less likely that anyone will actually read it, but since no one is going to read it anyway, since I don't know how to move it forward to finish it, I guess it doesn't matter. Ugh. Writing! Why so difficult?

In other news, someone finally made a Steve/Bucky vid to "Brooklyn (Go Hard)" (sort of). I don't love the inclusion of dialogue? But I also kind of don't care because the vid otherwise works really well and I've watched it a *cough* number of times.

If I were a vidder, I would make so many id-tastic Lord King Bad Vids about Steve and Bucky. SO MANY. Like, half of "Pretty Hate Machine," "Killing in the Name Of," 3/4 of Empires' discography, a bunch of Gaslight Anthem... But since I am not, you're saved from that awfulness. I still have hopes that someone will make the Bucky/Winter Soldier vid to "Sixteen Tons" though. That would be awesome. And also the one to "Summer of John Wayne," though that would be more melancholy, I guess.


I am so happy the Rangers won last night. I can't believe neither of those pucks went it. Sometimes it really is luck that saves you, though Lundqvist did have a fantastic game. I also feel like all the things I've yelled at my TV about all season are still the things that are screwing the Rangers over, specifically and most importantly, their inability to clear their own zone. It makes me CRAZY when they can't do that; it's not all the other team, a lot of it is their own dumbassery. (Secondly, and almost as importantly, their inability keep the puck in the offensive zone at the blue line. I don't understand why they are SO BAD at this. So obviously I was pleased when Pouliot did keep it and then scored the first goal.) At least the Kings didn't win the Cup at MSG. And the Rangers won a game. That was important to me, especially considering how well they played in the first two games and still lost. I didn't believe any of the hype that they couldn't skate with the Kings at all, but it was hard to watch them do well and still lose.

I don't know what I'm going to do when this is over. The Mets just make me sad and the Giants are going to be terrible but that's still a few months off.


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sports, youtube, otp: not without you, just a kid from brooklyn, henrik lundqvist: goalie boyfriend, you should totally write that, writing is hard!

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