i am lost inside your pocket

May 18, 2014 18:08

Remix reveals! Okay, not as fun for me because I already know who wrote everything, but still fun!

Here are the remixes of my stories, with author names on!

In the main remix collection there was:

Another Country (What Sustains Us Remix) by
The Avengers (Marvel Movies); Bucky/Natasha; pg; 3362 words
He feels like an impostor a little more each time Steve calls him Bucky, because he doesn’t have a right to that name, not really. Bucky’s the name of a man who died seventy years ago, a stupid kid from Brooklyn who followed not Captain America but Steve Rogers into hell and never came out again.

And then two stories in Remix Madness:

7A WF 83429 (the For A Good Time Call remix) by
Avengers; adult; Darcy/Steve Rogers; content notes: Mildly Dubious Consent; 4372 words
Being Captain America's plus one sounded infinitely more awesome in theory than it turned out to be in practice.

Three Body Problem (the amazing grace remix) by
Captain America (Movies); pg; Steve/Bucky/Peggy; 3031 words
They both owe her a dance.

Thank you again! <333

And I wrote:

Underneath the Armor (The Luscious Jackson Reunion Remix)
Batgirl (Comics); Steph/Dick; pg; 2,955 words
Four times Dick hugged Steph and one time it turned into something more.
Remix of Heavily Armoured by

Interpersonal Hygiene (The Get Fresh Flow Mix)
Life (TV); Crews/Reese; pg; 1350 words
This time when Crews ends up in the shower with Dani, it's by her own choice.
Remix of Interpersonal Hygiene by

I started both because I wasn't sure what was going to click, and then the Dick/Steph got finished first, so I uploaded it, but I didn't want to lose the small amount of words I've been able to write over the last 6 weeks, so I finished the Reese/Crews as well. *hands*

Interestingly, I turned a brief ficlet into a 5 things story for the first one, and turned a 5 things story into the story of one of the times in the second. Or maybe it's not interesting. I don't know. *hands*


Last night, after the Rangers' excellent victory in Montreal, L. and I went out for happy hour (there was a street fair on my block, which meant I couldn't get a cab to take all these bags of clothes to Housing Works, so maybe I'll do that next weekend? at least they're out of the closet/dresser), and then I came home and watched Orphan Black.

Wow, this show keeps getting creepier and squickier! Gracie with her mouth sewn shut! Being threatened with having to carry Helena's and her father's baby! Rachel raping Paul! God knows what Leekie actually injected Cosima with! Felix getting cockblocked and threatened by Paul! Cosima making a Rachel Barbie head. I feel like she did this with the others? But I can't remember.

But there were moments that I really liked: Helena and Felix, Helena and Art, Helena and Sarah. While I think a lot of Sarah's speech to Helena was manipulation, I think she was also sincere about part of it. "Meathead" as an affectionate nickname! "Do not call me this." Felix as the brother-seestra. Felix and Colin before they were so rudely interrupted. Aw.

And it looks like next week Alison explains clone club to Vic while Sarah and Helena go on a road trip. That should be comedy gold amidst whatever other creepiness crops up.

I still need an icon. Why do I never remember that?

I didn't sleep well last night and then I was up at 6 am, so I just had a really lovely nap. Earlier, I had an hour-long massage, which was great. So it's been a nice lazy Sunday, for all that the Sunday night willies are going to settle in soon enough.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/663477.html.
people have commented there.

sports, remix, life, tv: orphan black, henrik lundqvist: goalie boyfriend

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