and i know that i should let go, but i can't

May 19, 2014 13:47

Holy crap, Carey Price is out for tonight's game and likely for the rest of the series! (source) (less biased source)

I...I don't know what to DO with that news! I'm vibrating out of my skin because there's no one here at work I can really discuss it with and also I am the world's most pessimistic fan because it's less hurtful that way, but holy crap!

I emailed
amberlynne and texted my brother, but holy crap! The Rangers' chances of winning this series just increased exponentially and I kind of can't... I would never wish for a player to be injured (badly *cough*), and I don't think Kreider ran into him on purpose (and I don't recall whether at the time I thought he was slashed or if he just lost his edge, but either way, it was clean - he wasn't penalized but they also didn't award him a penalty shot, which they should have if he'd been interfered with; otoh, they allowed the Montreal goal to stand even though the Habs had too many men on the ice and the play should have been whistled dead long before they scored, so the officiating has, and the Rangers can't get cocky or overconfident, but wow. Wow. The drop-off between Price and the Habs' other goalies is ...substantial. The possibility of the Rangers being able to win - and win in fewer than 7 games even - just got a lot better. I mean, obviously, they'll lose now just to fuck with me, but holy crap.

I did watch and enjoy The Good Wife's season finale, and I want to talk about it and the season etc. but this has driven everything else from my mind. I still can't quite believe it. I probably won't under the game starts and Price isn't in goal. But wow.


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