"We're not going to Moscow. It's Czechoslovakia. It's like going into Wisconsin."

Feb 25, 2014 12:06

So I ordered this really cute, really large Fiestaware mug from Amazon but the handle was broken off when it arrived, so I attempted to return it. On Friday morning, I put the box outside for UPS to pick it up, and on Friday evening the box was gone, so I thought, hey, UPS actually picked it up.

Apparently not. Last night, the box reappeared on my doorstep with my address handwritten on it (because I had covered the original label up etc. to return to Amazon), along with a new return label stuck to my mailbox.

I do not understand! Why would you pick up the box which clearly stated it was a return to Amazon and redeliver it to me? I slapped the new return label on and this time I brought it to work so I'm going to drop it on the pile of UPS packages that go from here, and hopefully it will just go back to Amazon now. I don't even care about the ~$9 refund. I just want the fucking thing gone.

Possibly I'm just really irritated at how something so simple somehow got stupid and complicated.

I was also exhausted and cranky - I slept poorly last week and all weekend, and had to be up early this morning for a meeting, so I basically went to bed last night at around 7pm, right after I got home from work. It makes for a weirdly attenuated night's sleep, because I kept waking up and it was only like, 11 pm or 12 am, which is usually when I go to bed, but I feel a lot less like a cranky mccrankypants and more like a human being for the first time in a week.

My meeting went well this morning, and was actually interesting, and now I have a bunch of work writing to do, but I'm awake enough to do it.

And then I got to read this brilliant post by
skygiants, which posits a Sleepy Hollow AU connected to the French Revolution rather than the American, featuring the Scarlet Pimpernel and Zombie Ben Franklin, among others. I think you will find it is the best post you'll read all week.

In other funny but also sad news, RIP Harold Ramis. I loved Ghostbusters and Groundhog Day, but I think the movie of his I watched most was Stripes. I remember that (and Stalag 17) being movies we watched a lot (and when I say "a lot" I mean, like, EVERY DAY we watched one or the other) the summer I was 14, but not very often since. I might need to watch it - and the others - again soon, because I bet they still hold up.

Here's an old piece in the New Yorker about him: Comedy First: How Harold Ramis’s movies have stayed funny for twenty-five years.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/642134.html.
people have commented there.

links, tv: sleepy hollow, you should totally write that, my life so hard

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