you're packed and you're stacked 'specially in the back

Feb 15, 2014 16:28

Round two of sour cream cinnamon rolls was much more successful - 1. they rose nicely (though I let them go an extra hour because hockey) and 2. I only cooked them for 13 minutes and it was more than enough. So tasty.

I also have this pasta e fagioli in the slow cooker. Though I used a mix of cannellini and red kidney beans, because that is what I had and also my dad likes red kidney beans. I guess we'll see in seven hours how it works out.

But no one is really interested in that when there is Olympic hockey to talk about. I could talk about the USA's lack of a forecheck, and how little grinding it out in the corners they did, and also their desire to pass and pass eternally instead of shoot, but since they won, I will just say, HOLY CRAP TJ OSHIE. \o/

I did not know that in international hockey, you can just have the same guy over and over again in the shootout after the first three tries. I also loathe the shootout, just so you know. I especially hate it in medal games. (I'm so glad they don't do it in the NHL playoffs.) YOU SHOULD PLAY UNTIL SOMEBODY WINS. WITH THE WHOLE TEAM ON THE ICE. I AM JUST SAYING.

I still can't believe they disallowed that Russian goal. Even after the announcers figured out why, I still didn't think they'd disallow it. I'm glad they did, but wow.

I have to say, I would have accepted it if Datsyuk had won the game in regulation with a hat trick. He was the best player out there this morning, despite whatever injury he has. If the US doesn't win the gold, I kind of hope the Russians do, since I don't think the Swedes will get to the gold medal game. I like Ovechkin and Datsyuk, and Anisimov was one of my favorites when he was on the Rangers, and I liked Tyutin as a Ranger, too. And I guess I'm okay with Malkin, despite him playing for the Penguins. I hate the Penguins so much.

I kept waiting for Kane or Ovechkin to take over and impose his will on the game, but it never happened. Datsyuk came close but didn't quite get there. Kane did too much fancy stick-handling on his breakaway, and otherwise too frequently passed when he should have shot. *hands* I did enjoy Ryan Callahan getting in Ovechkin's face early on. I think both the Ryans Callahan and McDonagh had a good game, though I wince every time McDonagh blocks a shot. Or anybody really.

Was Stepan scratched for both games? I didn't see him at all.

I was surprised they went with Quick over Miller again in goal, but I can't complain. He had a good game.

In the Sweden v. Latvia game, I didn't realize Henrik Sedin wasn't going to be there. So weird to see only one Sedin on the ice. And was Carl Hagelin scratched? Because I didn't see him either. I also winced when the puck went off Lundqvist's helmet - I don't like it when he uses his head intentionally, but this was an accident and ugh. Do not want! Don't hurt my goalie boyfriend guys. He still has the rest of the season to play when the Olympics are over!

I guess I'll be up early again tomorrow morning for US v. Slovenia. And possibly the US ladies v. Sweden on Monday, since it is a holiday.

Now I'm doing laundry and catching up on tumblr and it's snowing again. Sigh.


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