this indecision's bugging me

Feb 14, 2014 12:24

Various and sundry:

= I took one look out the window yesterday morning and noped my way out of work. I'm annoyed that our new mayor didn't close the schools not just because it cost me a PTO day, but also because did you see it out there yesterday morning? On my block - on which there is a NYC public school - the street was not plowed and the sidewalks were not shoveled until sometime after 12 pm. I can only imagine how much worse it was in the outer boroughs. And then to see his press conference - I don't understand how they could claim to have not known the storm was going to be that bad when ALL INDICATIONS the night before said that it would be. I mean, yes, there was more snow in some places than expected, but they were still predicted 6-10" for the city! They really need a better process for this, if we are going to continue to have these kinds of storms during the morning and/or evening commute. And then last night we had thunder and lighting what the hell!? Getting to work today was not unusually difficult, though I waited on an exceptionally long line for the bus, and also stepped into a much deeper than it looked puddle on the corner of 79th & Broadway, deep enough that water got in over my boots (they are ankle boots! they have done yeoman's work this winter, but they are not tall!) and made my cuffs and socks wet. Bleh. DO NOT WANT.

= Anyway! After I emailed the bosses (both of whom are on vacation in warmer climes), I made myself some homemade hot chocolate and watched the US men's hockey team thrash Slovakia. I admit, other than knowing which Rangers were going to be at the Olympics, I hadn't paid much attention, so I was surprised that Paul Statsny was on the US team. I remember when his dad and uncles played. Oh god, I am old enough that the fully grown sons of players I remember watching are now playing. *weeps* Also, I still can't tell the difference between Marcel and Marion Hossa, even though they're not twins.

ANYWAY. I did enjoy the game, and I will probably be up tomorrow morning at 7:30 to watch the game against the Russians. I believe I've told this story before, but my love of hockey goes back to the 1980 Olympic miracle on ice team (well, technically, I was a playoffs-only Rangers fan in 1979 when they made the Cup finals, and lost, to the Habs, but that was because the playoffs were the only time you ever saw hockey on tv in 1979; once I was following the Rangers regularly, I had to do it via the radio), because several of the players joined the Rangers afterwards, and of course, Herb Brooks was the Rangers' coach. Yeah, so I became a Rangers fan just in time for the upstart Islanders to win four Cups in a row, which is why even now I hate the Islanders, though given how poorly they've been since forever, I don't hate them quite as vehemently as I used to. Also, since I engage with it so thoroughly from a Rangers fan POV, I just can't with the media fandom that's sprung up around hockey in the past few years. It looks like Lundqvist had a great game against the Swiss, and his third career Olympic shut-out. All hail King Hank. #henrik lundqvist: goalie boyfriend

= I haven't gotten to see any of the women's hockey yet, but I did enjoy this Grantland piece on the rivalry between the US and Canadian women's teams.

= After the hockey game, I watched Tuesday night's Brooklyn Nine-Nine, which I hadn't realized was new, since everything else is in reruns because of the Olympics. I enjoyed it a lot - three storylines juggled well for the most part, though I thought the Full Boyle plot lost some steam (see what I did there) during the double date, but they recovered nicely with the pepper spray and then Vivian being as into it as Boyle was. That was sweet. I really like that Boyle isn't just a creepy loser - he's a genuinely kindhearted person, which is why his Nice Guy behavior with Rosa was really bumming me out, but hopefully now they can just let that plot thread die a quiet death. I also liked how Peralta was really trying to help him, but that once he realized Vivian was just as into it, he didn't stand in Boyle's way. I like it best when Peralta is just another cog in the ensemble than a lead character.

I also loved Holt's everything, but then, I always do. Pairing him with Gina is comedy genius, and also makes her much more palatable. Andre Braugher is the best. Your argument is invalid. I need a B99 icon.

= Then I worked on finishing the Bucky Bear Valentine's story I was writing:

A Beary Happy Valentine's Day (@ AO3)
Avengers; Steve/Bucky/Natasha; pg; 1,455 words
For their first Valentine's day together, Natasha and Steve each give Bucky a Bucky Bear.

Based on this head canon from
allofthefeelings. It was her idea - I just ran with it. And got a little overwhelmed by Steve's Bucky feels. I don't know how I'm going to survive Cap 2.

I don't understand why Marvel isn't selling actual Bucky Bears. I mean, I'm pretty sure they could make a lot of money on Bucky Bear, but so far they're leaving it to the handcrafting Etsy crowd. I don't get it. I am just saying.

= And this morning, I bought tickets for the Veronica Mars movie, which I will be seeing on opening night with
innie_darling. I AM EXCITE!


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sports, tv: brooklyn nine-nine, bucky bear, veronica mars is smarter than you, henrik lundqvist: goalie boyfriend, my life so hard

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