until i had more than my share

Nov 08, 2013 13:33

I just realized this morning that it is November (I seem to have lost all of October somewhere), and I don't have my mother's Thanksgiving stuffing recipe. Luckily, it turns out my brother does, so at least one of us can make it for Thanksgiving this year. And while I was unsuccessful, my niece was able to convince my dad to make apple pies with her the Wednesday before, so we can still have pie for breakfast.


Not seeing Thor until tomorrow (hopefully!), so I'm avoiding spoilers and tumblr, but can someone tell me if there is in fact some sort of Cap 2 featurette in with the coming attractions at 3D showings? Because I'll go again in 3D if that's the case.


Yesterday on tumblr,
schmerica linked to a Georgian Romance Batman AU and I totally need to read it!

The heroine's name is Artemis, which makes me wonder how I never realized that two of Batman's love interests - Diana and Selina - are named after moon goddesses. Which only makes sense since Batman is... The Night! And also Vengeance! But in this case, we'll stick with The Night. (While Superman is solar powered.)

I make my own fun, okay. My boss is cranky today and I still have 3.5 hours of the work day left.



I...am not sure how I feel about the Joan/Mycroft reveal. I like that Joan doesn't feel guilty or ashamed about it (because she shouldn't), but I just didn't feel like there was any sign of it in the season premiere. I mean, there was Sherlock talking about tension between them, but I certainly never thought it was actually there. I thought it was just Sherlock being a jerk. And then Mycroft told her about his illness and asked about his brother and I thought that was the end of it. At least they're not going to make a thing again? I hope? Joan and Mycroft being friends works for me.

I really liked Sherlock's opening monologue in the AA meeting. I thought it was well written and JLM sold it completely.

Don't just mention Ms. Hudson! Have her appear! Also, I know Alfredo is coming back (Yay!), but where is Clyde?

ugh. I'm just glad it's Friday. For a week where I've only had three days of work, it has seemed quite long.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/613889.html.
people have commented there.

life, batman, we make our own fun, adventures in cooking, this is captain america calling, tv: elementary

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