you always were two steps ahead

Oct 02, 2013 09:46



Dear Joss/Marvel/Disney/GOD:

Please ditch EVERYONE but Melinda May and Fury. Yes, even Coulson, after this episode. (But keep Lola. and bring back J. August Richards.)



Seriously, though, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?

How is it so poorly written and cliched and CHEAP LOOKING?

I feel like I'm watching a syndicated copy of "Alias" with all the good stuff leached out because it's like a copy of a copy of a copy. But of course we start with the stupidass flashforward thing. THAT DEVICE IS PLAYED OUT, GUYS. PLEASE STOP DOING IT UNLESS YOU HAVE A VERY GOOD REASON. UGH.

But Melinda May... MELINDA MAY, HOW ARE YOU SO AWESOME? "You sure talk a lot." YES THEY DO. AND BADLY. HOW IS THE DIALOGUE ON A JOSS WHEDON SHOW SO TERRIBLE? Anyway, I love Melinda May already and want her to move up to the movies so she can spar with Natasha and be grumpy with Steve and meditate with Bruce and glare Tony into submission while having tea with Pepper and Natasha.

I almost liked Fitz-Simmons more here, if only because Ward was SO TERRIBLE to them. I was rooting for him to get sucked out of the plane with random bad guy #3. Can't he die and Melinda May do all the rough stuff? She's clearly capable of it, plus she doesn't make me want to slap her face every time she opens her mouth. ALSO, SHE SHOULD MENTOR SKYE. COME THE FUCK ON.

I liked Skye in the pilot, but OH MY GOD. "THE TWEETS." SERIOUSLY? Can I pretend her utter banality there was a front and she's really not that stupid about geopolitical situations? (I won't even get into the badness of using Peru as a backdrop like that.)

Back to the scientists - I don't understand - they are SHIELD employees. How are they not trained in basic self-defense? They don't need to be ninjas but they should have some semblance of training. Also, I WAS SO GLAD TO HEAR THEM CALL WARD OUT ON HIS "I WORK ALONE" BULLSHIT. NO. Also, can you imagine him talking like that to Tony Stark or Bruce Banner? Otoh, he would probably say that shit to Jane and get himself tasered and punched.

I don't mind that there is a rift between the scientists and the soldiers, but even Bond understands that he's nowhere without Q. Certainly CAPTAIN AMERICA understands that even though he doesn't know the science it's important to helping him do his job.

Guys, I just don't know. I really don't. I was thinking yesterday that I need to rewatch The Middleman because of the new comics thing, and there was a show that made you care about the supersecret organization running square-jawed and snarky superheroes who handle intra-, extra-, and juxta-terrestrial problems so regular people don't have to! SHIELD could do a lot worse than studying how "The Middleman" made us CARE about its characters WHILE sending them into ridiculous situations with alien tech or fish zombies. I AM JUST SAYING.

I'll give it a couple more episodes, because Joss's shows have a tendency to start slow and get better, but wow, this is not what I was hoping for when they announced this show.


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